Just In
for When Is It a Contract

1/28/2024 c1 Guest
Great story! Love the originality of the question-teller Lovegoods. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for writing.
12/10/2023 c1 1EkaterinaSteele
enjoyed this story and would love to see more of it
12/5/2023 c1 keht.jelicho
I love this story in general, but especially the whole "question-teller" mechanics. that is just a fascinating look at a possibility for the Lovegood family, and one I have never come across before or since. for an unintentional story you have written a remarkable one, and if you ever felt like revisiting to continue with the "how to get rid of Voldemort" bit (or the other 5 students, since Xeno said something about 9 students in response to Luna saying four) I would gladly read that as well. Otherwise I will just enjoy what my mind can daydream up.
11/20/2023 c1 wandamarie
thank you
10/5/2023 c1 Guest
Very nice
9/28/2023 c1 Harriverse
This story is fantastic.
9/13/2023 c1 Nulled Void
9/12/2023 c1 Silverdragonstar
Very good, really like your treatment of the Lovegoods.
8/21/2023 c1 Baelorfan
That was good. I would have liked to see Dumbledore trying to manage five additional jobs before keeling over. But still good...
7/27/2023 c1 6Princess Asuna
I really enjoyed this story a lot! But the ending cliffhanger was REALLY mean of you lol
7/17/2023 c1 6Jestrbob

The initial premise was nice.

Poor Albus Stroking
7/16/2023 c1 bahnannah
No matter what you intended, I find that my mind changes itself in a second without any input from the rest of me, it turned out fantastic. Adding this to my favorites.
6/23/2023 c1 Sheelahdog
I loved this, Fun story with everything wrapped up nice and neat because people acted the way normal people would.
4/19/2023 c1 flys36
Good story. Would have like to read how Voldemort's end came about without Dumbledore.
3/29/2023 c1 1dgpolo
I don't know if I've reviewed before or if you are still receiving notices. Sorry if I have. Love the story there's just one thing I have a question about. At the beginning when Luna and Xeno are trading questions/answers Xeno says he will reserve 9 places, but only 8 leave. Harry, Hermione, Luna, Susan, Amelia, Xeno and 2 Granger parents. I thought the 9th was Sirius but you kind of have him make his own way. Also, I keep logging in but it never says that I am logged in, so if this appears as 'Guest' then I'm sorry about that too.
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