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2/22/2014 c4 paradiso31
I'd love if you would update this story.
2/4/2013 c1 18FMAlover555 i really like that
I quite like the idea of a hardened Rose. I personally think she would have changed in the parallel universe and turned into how you portrayed her. Update soon. This is very well written.
8/13/2012 c4 6sindea.d
I love your story! please continue and update as soon as possible :)
11/19/2011 c4 1penguinwobble
plz make more sooooooooooooon i've been witing for ages!
11/11/2011 c4 12seekerchasing
interesting, exciting story. I really like the inclusion of Sarah-Jane and Luke. can't wait to see where this goes
11/4/2011 c4 helenwhogirl
yay, rose is back! this is an interesting story, i haven't read one with this plot before on ffnet, look forward to reading more :-)
10/18/2011 c4 4BaDWolF89
Bad Wolf! YES! Please update again soon!
10/18/2011 c3 BaDWolF89
Any chance of Rose having any left over Bad wolf buried within her mind? I know farfetched right? Can't wait for more!
10/14/2011 c4 104HeKillsWithHisSmile
Great chapter! XD
10/12/2011 c4 15Nabakza
This is such a good story! Update again soon! I can't wait!
10/12/2011 c4 Dreamcatcher56
oh what a nice twist having Mickey along for the ride!
10/12/2011 c4 4Starmaster10
Very nice and not incredibly OC at all. Keep doing this and you just might make it to my favorites.;)
10/12/2011 c4 18Aussieflower
your story is still fantastic! I love how you added bad wolf to Rose. many people make Rose super smart and confident of her knowledge and, well not immortal, but self healing etc etc and i was wondering if that was gonna be a case in your story, and although i love it when rose is all superwoman, i loved how you characterised like she was! But I do love bad wolf at the end.

And the phone call from mickey was awesome as well!

Aussies rock!

Laura xxx
10/12/2011 c4 24thedarkpokemaster
whoa sweet chapter I hope Rose sees the Doctor again soon.
10/12/2011 c4 LilienRose
I would like to see rose make it up to the valiant, maybe find the tardis or jack.
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