Just In
for Cold

11/23/2015 c1 5De rien bitches
3/4/2012 c1 WriterFly
Really liked your river/riddick pairing they're so great together. :) I would love to see you write more on this story TWO babies :D so exciting... as I said I'd love to read more on this story :D
10/11/2011 c1 4ArtLightLove Riddick fainting.
9/20/2011 c1 24Beth Weasley
*giggles* I -love- Riddick passing out when he hears it's twins. And since you've been so lovely about reviewing mine, I had to review yours. The idea that he was going to go get River when Johns got him actually makes sense, especially with him helping out Jack during the eclipse. Something about her must have reminded him of River. And River's shenanigans with the music and then the mule! *cackles* Great stuff! And the last chapter of SU is probably going to be a little late... . I haven't felt like typing the last couple of days. Again, great little fic!
9/19/2011 c1 Rachet
Sweet. Nice one shot. I for one would love it if you had more one shots for this ship. It needs all of the writers that it can get. Thanks
9/18/2011 c1 4neverest
this is the first i have read of this pairing and i am impressed..the song is beautiful and i loved the shot :o)

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