Just In
for Variation on a Theme

7/25/2023 c22 Aaf65
Enjoyed this again
6/16/2023 c22 Aaf65
Very good
12/11/2022 c5 CloudyMistyErisLune
Reading this for the first time Miss Kelly Lewis seems suspicious to me already, if that wasn’t some kind of warning I don’t know what the heck is.
10/20/2021 c21 2CallieJacobs
This is absolutely INGENIOUS! I never thought of a Criminal Minds/House crossover and yet it works perfectly! Your characterization of both sets of characters is spot-on too. (How do you do that?) Every time House calls Chase "wombat" I laugh, and when the team was saying goodbye to Reid I was crying so hard I was trying not to wake my dog. Really impressive, great writing, and amazing characterization. Thank you for writing!
1/3/2021 c22 heather03nmg
I just found this and I have to say it is THE best criminal minds fic I’ve read. And I read a lot. Perfect. characterization and brilliant story line. I was sad to see it end.
11/8/2020 c13 Guest
I remember having read this story quite awhile ago, but I am digging into it just like I did the first time. One of the best I’ve read. I just finished Chapter 12, and it was quite hard for me to get through. I couldn’t see the words on the page because my eyes were flooding with tears. You are a gifted writer.
2/26/2020 c10 Asyouwish14
I am LOVING this story. Just the other day I was wishing I could see House's team and the BAU team interact. This is everything I hoped it could be, thank you!
12/26/2018 c22 Guest
You're a pretty great writer and I've read the whole thing and it's brill. Actual sort and case and stuff with all the whump made it a good one :) thanka for writing it!
11/29/2017 c22 13Stephanie MRV
Wonderful crossover fix.
This was wonderfully written
11/8/2017 c13 68E. J. Morgan
This chapter was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time! I love your writing!
8/18/2017 c22 9sherryola
This was absolutely fabulous! I'm so glad I discovered it. I hope you have written that sequel, and if so, I'll sure be reading.
8/18/2017 c13 sherryola
You really got the personalities of the team right here. I thought Hotch in particular was perfect, that oh so cautious line about Reid being important to him personally. Hotch is so careful with his words. That was perfect.
8/18/2017 c12 sherryola
I can't even read the scenes with the unsub anymore. I can't bear to read torture scenes. and even with the show, I fast forward past the violent stuff. I've become a wimp in my old age. lol.
8/18/2017 c9 sherryola
She is really creeping me out. Is the BAU too personally involved. almost feels like they are forgetting to profile because they are so worried. which I completely understand.
8/18/2017 c6 sherryola
Oh I knew she was bad. She raised my hackles and had all my intuition screaming!
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