6/11/2013 c1 3ZeeIternity
I find your ability to adapt your style to match someone else's truly amazing. I read your a/n and although I couldn't remember if I'd read that story, I remembered it instantly through your style. Well done! :)
I find your ability to adapt your style to match someone else's truly amazing. I read your a/n and although I couldn't remember if I'd read that story, I remembered it instantly through your style. Well done! :)
11/24/2012 c1 6kittykiss1514
I'm not sure if liked all of the cursing and the sex, but the volince was ok. Heck I watch WWE wrestoling AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA why was I laughing?!
I'm not sure if liked all of the cursing and the sex, but the volince was ok. Heck I watch WWE wrestoling AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA why was I laughing?!
7/10/2012 c1 Jinx
that was great. i really liked how you gave Joker a bit of a soft side, but kept him in character. nice job.
that was great. i really liked how you gave Joker a bit of a soft side, but kept him in character. nice job.