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for Veritas Vos Liberabit

11/22/2016 c8 Love2read23
So happy that Harry and Tom got their happy ending. The changes they are making to the wizarding world is fabulous. I really like the idea of resprting every year. It's brilliant. I've read that done before. Thank yo7 f8r writing.
11/21/2016 c5 Love2read23
A fic pointed out just why pensieve memories can't be used in a court especially in a world in which anyone can take a potion and appear as someone else. I think to make this rock solid a veritaserum confession should also be required.
11/12/2016 c8 knuckles 8
thank-you for sharing your story
4/8/2016 c6 Guest
Did you have to make dumbles quote The Mad Hatter?
1/14/2016 c8 5Mila Pink
I like so much.
This story is amazing.
7/10/2015 c8 Jissy2013
love it _
7/10/2015 c4 Jissy2013
I love when Hermione said that nothing could surprise her today then harry aid he was pregnant so funny when Tom fainted lol love it
7/10/2015 c3 Jissy2013
love it so cute and sweet
7/10/2015 c2 Jissy2013
Love it so sweet and cool ! _
7/10/2015 c1 Jissy2013
love it 3
1/12/2015 c1 Guest
It's so OOC but interesting xD
10/23/2014 c8 134340
I never thought of the concept of Harry/Tom love...I loved it.
9/19/2014 c1 bookworm51485
I'm pretty sure the Fidelius charm has nothing to do with mind magic... :-/
9/14/2014 c8 ilanit.harary
i loved it! who wouldn't?
9/4/2014 c8 54puffin
I loved this story from start to end. It was well written and fun to read.
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