Just In
for Veritas Vos Liberabit

3/9/2014 c8 kariza2013
Really like it
2/22/2014 c8 1serenityselena
fantastic story :)
1/25/2014 c8 1Sakihinata
wow, that was quite the story! Dumbledore was really mad in this one: scary.
So thank you for this wonderful stor that I'm thinking of as one of my favorites ;)
12/29/2013 c8 Guest
I promised myself I wouldn't read this story all in one suck at keeping promises. Oh well. It was TOTALLY worth it! 3
12/29/2013 c4 Guest
Good Lord in heaven above! I love you for a) coming up with a reasonable way of Sirius being alive again, and b) included a hilarious bit at the end! I love this story, and will read it through to the very end! 3
12/20/2013 c8 GarionRiva
Great piece! It's unfortunate that it has few reviews so I just read this now fate checking so many HPLV. I love your Harry and Tom, they are so good with each other. Thank you for writing this story.
12/8/2013 c8 katzeiason69
wow this was really awesome.)* you did a great job for this story and the story line was just as great too.
10/27/2013 c8 kyraboo
This was wonderful!
10/16/2013 c8 1Rubie blakie
I do love the story. Thank you
10/7/2013 c8 2TheChosenSlayer5by5
Awesome story, I stayed up till 1:26am to finish reading it. Glad someone else thinks Dumbledore was crazy/manipulative. Thanks for writing this!
9/30/2013 c1 55MidnightGenius
I can't even tell you how much it entertains me that this fic has 666 favorites. I would, but I don't want to ruin the number
7/31/2013 c8 2adafrog
Very good story, thanks.
5/30/2013 c7 contest4jen
for chapter 8: just reread this story, still love it. cute ending _
5/13/2013 c8 8Theia Pallas
awesome! i couldnt stop reading and its midnight and i have school tomorrow! i blame you! jk. but its so good! and yummy!
5/4/2013 c8 angeltrin1
I really enjoyed your tale. I love stories where Tom and Harry get together. Thank You for writing this.
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