Just In
for Veritas Vos Liberabit

4/30/2013 c8 n.harkin.9
love it! its amazing!
4/1/2013 c5 asdf
cliffy! good chap (good story in fact) :D
3/9/2013 c8 5MsQueenWitch
very good story..thanks
3/2/2013 c8 5Angelfabeth
This is fantastic! The plot is great and the characters aren't too OOC. I would have liked it if there were translations for the other language you used. I really enjoyed reading this :)
3/1/2013 c8 Mashkai30
Wonderful story! Thanks for sharing!
2/23/2013 c8 2pandoravanity
thanks for the awesome fic! good god the scene when harry was abducted was so intense that i find myself shaking in anticipation while reading this fic.

pandora vanity..
2/20/2013 c8 Guest
MAN! BEST STORY OF THIS PAIRING THAT I HAVE YET TO READ! I mean it's just great. I sure hope you write another pairing of this, I just love your writing (Though I don't know any of the words in other languages, but that's just cuz im to lazy to look them up) If only all stories were this great not like, 'of Voldemort maybe you should be part of the light, blah blah blah, Happiness and light spells...' Those anger me. DUMBLEDORE IS ALWAYS THE BAD MAN!(yay!) THANK YOU FOR PREVIDING ME WITH AMAZING READING! :D
2/3/2013 c8 7rmiser1994
Love the story!
1/29/2013 c1 1RavenWhiteMoi
1/21/2013 c7 Lexakitty8656
this is my third time reading this story, its one of my favorites!
1/17/2013 c8 Sessytrancy7
YAYAYAYAY! This is such a great story! It was so good I didn't stop reading it. I read it in a day! Now I wish I took it slower. LOL. HarryxVoldermort Forever! .
1/14/2013 c8 Temp
1/8/2013 c8 xDarklightx
I like it.
1/7/2013 c4 1Meghan-Black01
! Harry's pregnant! LOL I was NOT expecting that! Boom, pregnant!
1/1/2013 c8 TheRedirector
This was an amazing story! I'm surprise that it isn't revieeed by 100s. I guess it just makes it that more special!
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