Just In
for Waiting for Months

4/30/2017 c5 Niha161
That really good!?
I luv it a lot!
2/10/2015 c5 KxZ fan girl
welcome back :D update soon! :)
12/28/2014 c1 1ERVictson
Interesting story! I don't usually read things like this, but you've really put me on to it! I like what you're doing! Keep it up! :)
8/28/2014 c5 Dragon77
I can't wait for the next chapter hopefully it will be longer. Lol
6/24/2014 c4 3KLCrazyness
hmm.. rather interesting. i like the ideas
6/24/2014 c2 KLCrazyness
eeewwwww! Orochimaru Babys! thats so creepy I love it! poor Sasuke though
4/30/2014 c4 3namvd
I dont this story anymore, right? Anyways, it was a good idea for a fanfiction and could have gone on for another while.
3/13/2014 c4 1LouiseUchiha
wwont you update?
9/30/2013 c4 18MadaSasu
Love this plz update :)
4/7/2013 c4 KxZ fan girl
i m new reader here! please update soon! u have been gone long from the latest published date display in the fic. update please! ty
10/25/2012 c4 1IAreTheOne
Love This! Hope you will update soon!
4/23/2012 c4 minion for hire
Um...poke poke? You gonna update soon? 'd like to know what happens now that Sasuke's jumped the bridge to his most likely demise...
3/8/2012 c4 10sasukexnaruxsakura
Awesome! : D
2/28/2012 c4 30pa1ntap1cture
1/23/2012 c4 murple the purple gonna update this anytime soon, by any chance? Cuz it's a bit of a cliffhanger where you ended...almost literally, since that bridge that the group is traveling over is over a ravine and Sasuke just made a suicide attempt (at least, I'm hoping it's an attempt...) So, won't you be really, really awesome and update please?
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