Just In
for Let's Be Friends

1/14/2012 c7 2ashmo2000
oy, that sux!
1/14/2012 c7 7ncmiss12
Awesome chapter! I think Eric will be calling either the AP. I think Bill made it worst by A) looking like a whinney little bitch. 2) Looking weak by asking for help 3)Asked the wrong person the wrong way! Bill is so dumb! I can't wait for more!
1/14/2012 c7 nordiclover
I think Russell turned him...
1/14/2012 c7 marilyn81459
Well ! Im Still Here And Glad You Are Back,

Shame Laffette Didn't Stick Around And Chill With Eric ,Had To Go Back Over the Last 6 Chapters To Remember Where We Were In The Story But Now ! Im Cravin The Next Chapter
1/14/2012 c7 VAlady
Eric doing homework, sorry that's so unusual that I had to comment on it..He really is trying to change the way he behaves toward Sookie.
1/14/2012 c7 Millarca666
Glad to see an update.

I reckon the cavalry is Eric's sister. And everything Bill does makes things worse; he's always the answer to 'who made it worse?'.
1/14/2012 c7 3murgatroid-98
I'm with Sookie. I can't imagine a vampire wanting to turn Steve Newlin. Except Russell, who is completely nuts. Though I can see how he'd appreciate the irony of turning a vampire hater into a vampire. I'm glad Jessica was around to help Jason. I wonder if Eric called Nora, a new character who is supposed to be on TB in season 5. Don't know who Bill called. Nice chapter.
1/14/2012 c7 ljhjelm49
1/14/2012 c7 2Alskl1ng
Interesting twist with adding Newlin into the story. I think Eric is going to contact his sister or maybe even Godric's maker. I can see Godric's maker because that person would possibly be old enough and strong enough to take on Russell. Thanks for the update!
1/14/2012 c6 36writergirl89
Great update.
1/14/2012 c7 3keske
it was me. i turned newlin...i'm sorry. i was gunna stick him in the sun and watch him fry...but the little rat broke out of his leash and hid too quick. i'm sorry... i'll go catch his ass ~hangs her head sadly and tromps away, all morose~
1/14/2012 c7 TeaCupHuman
That was quite the apology from Eric. Bill would need centuries of lessons to apologize so sincerely. Eric's sister too the rescue?
1/8/2012 c3 2jewelpearl
As a former theatre professor myself, I appreciate your spelling choice!
12/25/2011 c6 mindy781
You are such a tease. Right when we where to get some E/S loving bill calls I bet he did it on purpose. Oh and as funny as it sounds I still hope they have there study date, lol. I love how Eric is expressing his feelings. Can't wait for next update.
12/25/2011 c4 mindy781
I like how Eric wants to do things differently and is going to tell Sookie. I like how they feel safe with each other.
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