Just In
for Let's Be Friends

10/22/2016 c3 IkeaGoddess
It's nice to see that they truly enjoy each others company. I wonder who is lurking in the dark.
10/22/2016 c2 IkeaGoddess
Awwwww, that was really cute. Looking forward to their date.
10/22/2016 c1 IkeaGoddess
I hope it's friends with benefits.
6/25/2015 c11 Guest
I'm sad... Not only did you not finish this story but your wordpress is about to expire so I can't see if you wrote anything on there either... Hopefully this finds you so people like me can check out your Wordpress! Thank you for your stories, I loved everyone that I read!
4/11/2015 c11 MiniLover
Awesome! Please update!
8/9/2013 c11 vangrrl
I am loving this story of yours! Can't wait for the next update ... are you still working on this or is it an abandoned tale?
8/3/2013 c11 1jules3677
Very interesting up till now. Hope you get to finish this. The characters are all interesting & well written. Thankyou.
6/12/2013 c2 Guest
I've enjoyed three of your stories so far, GREAT WORK! & RUSSELL is a bad-ass!
10/31/2012 c11 lovesunandsand
10/10/2012 c2 media-savant
To me, it never made any sense that S why S was mad at both B & E and walked away from them without a further word. Eric, at least, should have been mad at her, and I know how hard it is to be friends with a former lover, but couldn't they try? They all must be used to feelings of longing by now. :)

I like your story. While I respect Ball's creative license, I too wish S & E had gotten together.
10/8/2012 c11 classicoldmama
thats a great story and I#m curious to read more, please continue!
9/26/2012 c11 lisawadsworth86
Lllllllllllove it please keep writing I'm really enjoying it iv been reading ur fanficts this is my second one I forget to review buti will go back and review on the first one I read but I only review when iv read it all

Once again well done on the fanfic kept me intreged lol

Happy writing
8/14/2012 c11 bethelove
I finally got read this story and its awesome, hope to read more soon, please.
8/7/2012 c11 4Olivia Williams
looking forward to reading more i hope you update soon
6/1/2012 c2 Honulvr
I love it! Nice and simple little way to say to hell with AB's season 4 (seriously, it was ridiculous!) and put them back together where they should be. Unfortunately, it's only the fans and fanfiction authors that realize they belong together. Both CH and AB are butt-heads about it! Have you seen the season 5 previews? How much time can the three of them spend together? Ugh, I'm gearing myself up for disappointment by shoving it to the back of a brain which is being flooded with much preferable storylines from my favorite fanfiction authors!
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