10/1/2011 c1
Awwwwwwwwwww... Verrrry sweet. I love that he's been feeling her longing and loneliness and responded to it.

Awwwwwwwwwww... Verrrry sweet. I love that he's been feeling her longing and loneliness and responded to it.
10/1/2011 c1 VAlady
He's got the right idea I think..friendship will allow proximity, and let's be honest, how can you NOT jump those bones if you are around them? Your a/n is funny, I guess everyone does want Bill to be killed off in most stories. But having him around adds dramatic tension, it also unfortunately allows Sookie an opportunity to be dumb. Look forward to seeing how you develop this idea.
He's got the right idea I think..friendship will allow proximity, and let's be honest, how can you NOT jump those bones if you are around them? Your a/n is funny, I guess everyone does want Bill to be killed off in most stories. But having him around adds dramatic tension, it also unfortunately allows Sookie an opportunity to be dumb. Look forward to seeing how you develop this idea.
10/1/2011 c1 MsConsuelo
Good start. I'm glad you aren't planning on sending Bill to his final death. I'm team Eric, but I've never felt or understood the extreme antipathy so many FF readers (and writers) feel for Bill. I think with one exception Bill's choices were extremely limited and that he did the best he could to protect Sookie. The exception was taking his girlfriend into Merlottes when he knew Sookie would hear her thoughts, would hear all about their sex life. That was pretty low, but it was a desperate attempt to make Sookie jealous and win her back. A stupid move, but people do that kind of thing, why would vampires be any less stupid?
About Tara... are you going to let her die? I don't believe AB will kill her off on the show, but given the apparent severity of her injury I don't see how she could survive. Which leaves only one option. I expect season five to kick off with someone (Eric? Bill? Jessica? Steve Newlin?) rushing to the rescue and turning her. Sookie probably wouldn't ask any of the vamps to do it, but Lafayette would and remember, he's right upstairs at Sookies house while she's sitting on the floor with Tara.
Good start. I'm glad you aren't planning on sending Bill to his final death. I'm team Eric, but I've never felt or understood the extreme antipathy so many FF readers (and writers) feel for Bill. I think with one exception Bill's choices were extremely limited and that he did the best he could to protect Sookie. The exception was taking his girlfriend into Merlottes when he knew Sookie would hear her thoughts, would hear all about their sex life. That was pretty low, but it was a desperate attempt to make Sookie jealous and win her back. A stupid move, but people do that kind of thing, why would vampires be any less stupid?
About Tara... are you going to let her die? I don't believe AB will kill her off on the show, but given the apparent severity of her injury I don't see how she could survive. Which leaves only one option. I expect season five to kick off with someone (Eric? Bill? Jessica? Steve Newlin?) rushing to the rescue and turning her. Sookie probably wouldn't ask any of the vamps to do it, but Lafayette would and remember, he's right upstairs at Sookies house while she's sitting on the floor with Tara.
10/1/2011 c1 vikingtrubie
No killing Bill? darn it. Ha! Oh, didn't he have plans to go to Peru? ;) so happy you are trying to fix the mess of a finale we saw on TB. It was painful and not sure AB can fix that. Only in fan fiction land will we get our HEA. I'm keeping my fingers crossed CH will do same. Thank you for making my day with your new story. Great start. Please say she apologizes profusely for breaking up with him and realizes she was outta her fricken mind.
No killing Bill? darn it. Ha! Oh, didn't he have plans to go to Peru? ;) so happy you are trying to fix the mess of a finale we saw on TB. It was painful and not sure AB can fix that. Only in fan fiction land will we get our HEA. I'm keeping my fingers crossed CH will do same. Thank you for making my day with your new story. Great start. Please say she apologizes profusely for breaking up with him and realizes she was outta her fricken mind.
9/30/2011 c1 whodat2010
I think Eric is pretty smart here. I wish that would be the case in TB 5. However, sadly, I think we will see Alcide give it a shot. As nice as he is, they should be friends, IMO. Good start.
I think Eric is pretty smart here. I wish that would be the case in TB 5. However, sadly, I think we will see Alcide give it a shot. As nice as he is, they should be friends, IMO. Good start.