5/17/2012 c11 MsConsuelo
I'm not Team Alcide, but I don't get the logic behind blaming him for Russell finding Sookie. You do realize Bill is the one who led them to Sookie? I mean that whole break out was staged... after Franklin Mott's report, Russell knew he couldn't trust Bill, so he confined him to his room, then sent Cooter in to taunt him into doing something stupid. Which Bill did, he broke out and went straight to Sookie, with Russell and thugs right behind him.
I'm hoping AB doesn't introduce zombies to the show, but my reason is mainly a matter of my pantywaist stomach... I couldn't watch Pam falling apart last summer, I imagine zombies would be worse
I'm not Team Alcide, but I don't get the logic behind blaming him for Russell finding Sookie. You do realize Bill is the one who led them to Sookie? I mean that whole break out was staged... after Franklin Mott's report, Russell knew he couldn't trust Bill, so he confined him to his room, then sent Cooter in to taunt him into doing something stupid. Which Bill did, he broke out and went straight to Sookie, with Russell and thugs right behind him.
I'm hoping AB doesn't introduce zombies to the show, but my reason is mainly a matter of my pantywaist stomach... I couldn't watch Pam falling apart last summer, I imagine zombies would be worse
4/19/2012 c11
Awesome chapter! I bet Russel made a deal with Alcide, that he would get to keep Sookie. But if he did do that it was dumb, since Russel would never let Alcide keep Sookie. I can't wait for more! I wonder what Claude will say to Sookie, about her vamp lover and claudine! I can't wait for more!

Awesome chapter! I bet Russel made a deal with Alcide, that he would get to keep Sookie. But if he did do that it was dumb, since Russel would never let Alcide keep Sookie. I can't wait for more! I wonder what Claude will say to Sookie, about her vamp lover and claudine! I can't wait for more!
4/19/2012 c11
Good chapter update. So... we think Alcide may be evil, eh? Interesting... Even Charlaine Harris made him an asshole in her last novel. Look forward to more.

Good chapter update. So... we think Alcide may be evil, eh? Interesting... Even Charlaine Harris made him an asshole in her last novel. Look forward to more.
4/18/2012 c11
Good call having Lafayette stay with Sookie. I think it will probably benefit both of them. And Alcide was certainly a jerk...Grrr!

Good call having Lafayette stay with Sookie. I think it will probably benefit both of them. And Alcide was certainly a jerk...Grrr!
4/17/2012 c11
2Balti K
Hmm...I hadn't expected that much anger our of Alcide. Is it possible he's working with Edgington?
Can't say I'm surprised to see a Claude looking for Claudine. I am a little surprised that no one thought of that in the show!
Cheers, Balti K

Hmm...I hadn't expected that much anger our of Alcide. Is it possible he's working with Edgington?
Can't say I'm surprised to see a Claude looking for Claudine. I am a little surprised that no one thought of that in the show!
Cheers, Balti K
4/17/2012 c11 debbieja
I'm glad Lafayette came back to help Sookie. I'm sad Alcide seems to have a separate agenda (as he is smoking hot). I wonder how Sookie will respond to Claude and his attempts to find out what happened to his sister.
I'm glad Lafayette came back to help Sookie. I'm sad Alcide seems to have a separate agenda (as he is smoking hot). I wonder how Sookie will respond to Claude and his attempts to find out what happened to his sister.
4/16/2012 c11 ganoo
oh I was so glad to see an update for this...I'm thrilled to have Lafayette back, he's always fun...I love snarky Pam "dinner and a show"...I don't know about Alcide, I'm not sure I trust him...Sookie is being very smart, listening to Eric and Eric as usual is being his strong capable self...always looking for more of this wonderful story...
oh I was so glad to see an update for this...I'm thrilled to have Lafayette back, he's always fun...I love snarky Pam "dinner and a show"...I don't know about Alcide, I'm not sure I trust him...Sookie is being very smart, listening to Eric and Eric as usual is being his strong capable self...always looking for more of this wonderful story...
4/16/2012 c11
I like Sookie starting to control her powers. :)
I also like that Lafayette is back. :D He's fun!

I like Sookie starting to control her powers. :)
I also like that Lafayette is back. :D He's fun!
4/16/2012 c11
Good girl. And Lafayette is just too goddamn hilarious when he's being protective.

Good girl. And Lafayette is just too goddamn hilarious when he's being protective.