Just In
for Let's Be Friends

4/16/2012 c11 2ashmo2000
now sookie has another 'friend' who she can't trust.
4/16/2012 c11 5Baronessjai
Awe gotta love that Viking...always the protector :-)
4/16/2012 c11 5Spygrrl
I like where you are taking how Sookie, et al feel about Alcide. It's not often his character is doubted or seen as an enemy in most stories. Great twist.

Overall great chapter. Thanks for the update.
4/16/2012 c11 3murgatroid-98
Nice to see this one again. I wonder what Claude will be up to on TB. I'm glad Sookie saved him from Pam and that her blast of light healed Pam. And, I'm glad that Lafayette went back to stay with Sookie. I hope he stays with her on the show. I think they need each other. They're brother and sister of the heart.
4/15/2012 c1 rosemb88
Love it!
4/15/2012 c11 1treewitch703
Your little hiatus did you good; it added lots of energy to the last chapter and forced me to reread the whole thing to keep the continuity humming. An evening well spent.
4/15/2012 c11 TheLadyKT
yea for pam getting healed. wonder if claude is going to start trouble. alcede is annoying
4/15/2012 c11 7Minnakoda
Oh, are we going in the direction of dickhead Alcide? Because usually he's just misguided and stubborn but well meaning, with a side of supreme naievety. I wonder if he actually IS working with Russell... *taps finger to her chin* well, can't wait to find out! It was great seeing your update today!
4/15/2012 c11 2Alskl1ng
I like that you brought Claude into the picture. He seems more sensible than Claudine. Hehe she zapped Pam. I am happy you are continuing this story. Great chapter.
3/30/2012 c10 2jewelpearl
I've been too busy to keep up with all my fanfic alerts in the last few months, but I'm finally catching up with this story. Well done... I look forward to more...
3/25/2012 c10 11realjena
Love this story! Can't wait for more!
3/23/2012 c10 4AuntieL
I commented on your blog, but wanted to also comment here...

I *LOVE* that you're using ALO this way - and that you're calling him "Roman".

Is that what Alan Ball is doing, do you think?

I like Sookie as "Boss". :)
3/21/2012 c10 7ncmiss12
Awesome chapter! I am glad that the Authority is seeing the huge mistake they made, makeing Bill king. Are they just going to remove him as King or kill him. I hope they kill him. The power has gone to his head. I can't wait for more!
3/19/2012 c10 miss reading
i must tell you i love how you write, bill isn't my favorite person on the show, but i like how write his part you don't bash him and that is good and you let his feeling for his child show. i must tell you i cry when i read eric letter to sookie it was so sweet and let us see the side of him we only get to see when he had memeber lose.know what i think you should write season 5 ask alan ball because i can bet anyone its going to be a bumpy ride for sookie and eric to find each other again the way alan and his team keep writing true blood.antway keep writing this sweet stories that make me cry
3/19/2012 c10 1LostInSpace33
Thanks for the new chapter! I admit I had to go back and read this one from the beginning because all I could remember was the first chapter where he showed up at her chemistry class and said, "Let's be friends." (A fantastic scene!) I love the idea of Chris Meloni as Ocella...wonder if it'll really happen that way?
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