Just In
for Team Zero

6/8/2024 c9 4Monster King
What a amazing story your doing amazing work
1/11/2024 c9 gabrielminoru2015
9/18/2023 c1 Cloudmint
the guy named ideal man is persistent of an update and I can respect that
7/13/2023 c1 13ideal man
just checking up on the story again
8/6/2022 c1 ideal man
12 years and no update either the person who made this is dead Rip or they moved on and lost interest which bags the question who's gonna adopt this story then?
1/9/2021 c4 Fans del Yuri
I never understood that to make Louise apologize to Kirche when she says something like what she said, she is telling the truth, Kirche keeps going out with everybody and it is normal to have that superficial thought, it bothers me that they defend Kirche by telling Louise that she is saying something bad when in fact she is only reacting to the actions that Kirche does to her.

Isn't it ironic that James said that it's rude to remind a person of the past? Kirche does exactly the same thing by calling her 'Zero' every time she misses a spell, reminds her of her past and also teases her by saying the same nickname every morning when she sees her, if the light novel taught me anything it's that although Kirche isn't bad, she isn't a saint either, Many writers do the same, always doing or criticizing Louise through the character they introduce to their story, everything is always so one-sided that it is very annoying, they always make Louise apologize but Kirche never does it because of all those years of harassment and mockery. What the hell?

Not all writers do it, since they know how to handle the characters better, but 95% of them always put a similar scene.
10/27/2020 c9 ideal man
so where the up date at?
11/2/2018 c9 3Ash0011
I must admit to some surprise at how good this is, I hope it updates again eventually
9/19/2018 c8 15Vanessa Masters
No, she could not turn back on her dream now. But what was her dream really? It now seemed childish, focusing only on revenge and not the actions that could change the world that oppressed her. At least she could see the dream better now, clearer than ever. She would think about what she had learned, and then she would strike. The writer of this book may never have planned for it to end up in her hands, but she would treasure its teachings and follow his example. She would make her own power, and while she might be forced to serve at times, she would be ruled by no one but herself.

Fouquet got back to her feet, ready to leave posthaste, only to freeze as the razor tip of a blade softly but threateningly rubbed against her neck. Slowly turning around, she gazed up a man with a white mask. "Fouquet of the Crumbling Earth," he said in a gentlemanly yet dangerous voice, "I would like to speak with you about an important matter…"

Team Rocket made a impact on fouq, but all too little late, cause someone shows up, and pull row into a dangerous situation.
8/30/2018 c7 Vanessa Masters
Another thief toppled by team rocket.
8/29/2018 c6 Vanessa Masters
Well, he, at least it was Fouquet and not rocket to go blasting off, or zero. Or whatever they’re calling themselves now.

Terrific work!
8/27/2018 c5 Vanessa Masters
Oh wow, funny. James always the girl, not so funny when he nearly died in a fire. But Meowth saves the day, but might bring doom with that titan potion in the academy!
8/27/2018 c3 Vanessa Masters
"Jessie," James said hesitantly, "there's something important about that vial that I think…"

"Later," Jessie told him, sprinkling the perfume all over her. "Right now, it's time to show the school what a true model of beauty is like!" With that, she dashed out of the kitchen.

"Jessie sure takes pride in her appearance," Meowth sighed. He froze at seeing the looks on James and Siesta's faces. 'What's the big deal?" he asked. "I know Jessie can be a little greedy, but it's not like we can't steal something better later…"

"It wasn't stolen."

"Huh?" Meowth gaped at James.

"Someone abandoned it," he explained.

"Then there's nothing to worry about, right?" Meowth said worriedly. "Unless you think the bloke had a good reason to dump the thing." James remained silent. "You do," Meowth confirmed, letting out a groan. "Come one," he told them, "Let's catch Jess before she gets herself in trouble- and us too!"

Sure enough, Jessie was in a furious argument with an arrogant girl. She would look very pretty, with her blonde hair tightly rolled up, if not for the disdain and anger on her face. "How dare you!" she yelled at Jessie. "The very nerve- commoners trying to steal my precious perfume."

"Hey!" Jessie shouted back. "We stole it fair and square! And how can you prove it's yours anyways?"

"The potion speaks for itself," she replied, gesturing at the mauve liquid. "The vivid purple is my signature as a Montmorency. There are many in this school who have witnessed my skills with potions, and can testify to my distinct color. So you can see," she spoke with a glint of triumph, "The perfume is clearly mine."

Jessie froze at this, struggling to find a counter-defense, and suddenly shot up with inspiration. "Your name is Montmorency?" Jessie inquired.

"Indeed," she said, drawing herself up with pride. "My full name is Montmorency Margarita la Fairy de Montmorency."

"In that case," Jessie crowed, letting loose her own triumphant grin, "this doesn't match the name on the bottle."

"What?" Montmorency stared at the bottle. "Where?"

"Right there," Jessie said, pointing to a small ribbon snagged on the potion. "It says, 'To my dearest Katie, love your ardent knight, Sir…"

"Guiche," Montmorency read, paling in horror. "It…can't be," she mumbled in shock, "He wouldn't…" Nearby footsteps caused her to snap up, spying Guiche with fellow students. "Guiche!" she shrieked, halting him with her fury

I laughed, I love it!

Oh boy, and I was worried Jessie and James didn’t have their Pokémon, but they did. And Meowth shows new abilities!
8/27/2018 c2 Vanessa Masters
Jessie ignored their banter, unable to contain her curiosity any further, and turned to Louise. "Pssst, Boss," Jessie whispered loudly.

"What?" Louise said in frustration. "We're in the middle of a lesson, and we don't need any more of your antics."

"What does that lady mean about all these squares and triangles?" Jessie demanded.

"It's the number of elements you can add to a spell," Louise explained, eyeing the teacher anxiously.

"Huh?" Jessie asked.

"Look, a single magical element is powerful, but if you add another to it, the overall power of the spell increases greatly."

"I already know that!" Jessie told her. "Any fool knows how you can combine two elements together. But what about these squares and triangles?"

Louise stared at her dumbfounded. "Those are Lines," she said, "but mages can merge more than two elements together. Triangle mages can combine three, and Squares four. Mrs. Chevreuse, being able to channel Earth-Earth-Fire, is a Triangle mage."

"Wait," James said, breaking into the conversation. "Wouldn't that just be a Line, since Earth is counted twice?"

"No," she replied, "stacking the same element reinforces that element, enhancing its power."

"Still," Meowth said, "dat lady doesn't deserve dat much credit if she just focuses on one element like that."

Chevreuse then noticed their banter and glowered. "Will you please cease with this private gossip?" she commanded. "There are others trying to actually gain knowledge from this lesson."

"Listen here, lady," Jessie said, "if you want people to listen to you, actually teach them new things rather than boasting about what they- and you- already know."

Chevreuse stiffened in indignation. "You familiars obviously have much to learn about the proper order of things. You can start by addressing me properly as 'Professor Chevreuse', Triangle mage."

However, this failed to subdue the rebellious Rockets; on the contrary, they gaped at her before bursting into raucous laughter. "You…a Professor?" Meowth groaned from overindulgent humor. "Get real!"

"You'd be lucky to be an aide to one!" Jessie declared.


I love this and laughed so hard, they are caring of Louise, that’s for sure.
8/27/2018 c1 Vanessa Masters
Touched by the tears, Team Rocket softened and wiped away her tears. "Sorry," Meowth said, "we didn't mean to hurt ya!"

"It's okay," James said comfortingly, "School isn't the end of the world."

"It certainly isn't," Jessie added. "We completely flunked our academy days too, and things still worked out for us."

Her sadness gone, Louise quickly found her emotions replaced with anger, and shoved her familiars off her. "I don't need your pity!" she screamed furiously. The thing that made her the maddest was their comment about failing their time at the academy, and the implications it had. On the one hand, perhaps it meant that these familiars were nobles of sort, albeit disowned ones. However, the fact that they failed the academy had a disturbing parallel to her own life. Was this just another sign that she was a failure? No! She shook herself of such thoughts. She could not give up yet!

"Fine!" Jessie said in a huff. "Forgive us for being caring for once. This is exactly why we prefer to be villains! But I'm still confused," she told Louise. "I've seen people fly before, but always with a Psychic guiding…"

"Wait," Meowth said, voice tense, "by 'Academy of Magic', do ya's mean dat all the students here can channel elemental powers?"

"That is correct," Louise answered. Team Rocket stared at her in utter horror. Elemental humans were not entirely unfamiliar to them; after all, legend stated that there used to be entire civilizations of people who held the power of Pokémon within them. But those special people were rare and hidden in the modern world. And each one had the potency, in comparison to regular humans, akin to a fearsome Gyrados in comparison to its pitiful Magikarp relations. And now they were in the proverbial Ursaring's den with an entire school of them!

"We're doomed," Meowth noted quietly. James began to back up, step by step, before trying to break out into a mad dash; if not for Jessie holding him, he might have crossed Johto in five minutes- if, that is, they were still in that relatively peaceful region.

"Relax," Jessie told him, "It's just a bunch of them jammed together into one narrow place! It's not like there are 'mages' scattered all around this region…"

"Actually," Louise cut in, "There are mages throughout all of Halkeginia."

Team Rocket stopped and stared at her deadpan. "Dis is one crazy region!" Meowth stated.

"Hold on," James said, reflecting on an old tale he heard as a lad about the ancient times. It was said at that time that Pokéballs were only a substitute, albeit a very competent one, for the old bonds that connected humans and Pokémon. "This…familiar summoning. That man, a Professor no doubt, he had you bond with your starter, didn't he?"

"A convoluted explanation, but yes," Louise said.

"You mean you caught us?" Jessie exclaimed. "But we're humans! While, at least two of us are," she amended, glancing at Meowth.

Mob wow, I love this!

It’s sad that team rocket are happy sleeping on flower, since hey e slept on worse.
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