Just In
for Love vs Trial

5/9/2012 c7 4samcatthorne
5/8/2012 c9 samcatthorne
Watch there be a plot twist where it's like, Yay! We finally defeated Bakura! We can be together forever! Then Goddess Momma shows up and is like, Bakura wasn't the evil we were talking about. There's a darkness far greater. Sacmis would just be like, F*CK THIS SH*T! IM GETTING MARRIED WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!
5/8/2012 c7 samcatthorne
1/4/2012 c9 41crystal moon princess
*giggles and pouts cutely* I dint treten you with a chainsaw *trying to hide the chainsaw* ummm that was my ummm hair drier? yeah . ummm well annyway awsome chapter I love the spell names^_^ and your lemon was very good^_~ and I especially love that MY yugi and anzu are separated^_^ *smile widely and hug seba* I love you^_^ I enjoy the chatroom lol it was still funny so dont worry to much^_^The only think left I have to say is this: UPDATED SOON!
1/4/2012 c9 sk84ndd327r0y
Wow you're on a roll! XD This chapter was great and had plenty of lemons! Can't wait to read the next chapter!
1/3/2012 c9 BleacHtsgaya
... Huh, wonder what happened with my review just now. Anyways.

WHHOOOOOOO You got the next chapter out! :'D

There's some serious lemon here. And I'm liking it! Along with the fact that Sacmis and Atem are going to continue the engagement, but that's another story.

Ahaha, no problem, by the way! Why not answer something the author needed in order to continue a great story?
1/3/2012 c9 BleacHtsgaya
1/1/2012 c8 BleacHtsgaya
Hey! I haven't bothered reviewing the other chapters seeing as I just began reading this story not too long ago, but I would like it if you update soon! I personally find the little chat room segment thing really amusing, because I find it funny :D

Oh, and as for my opinion on chapter 9. As much fluff and a lemon sounds rather tempting, I think Sacmis should go after Bakura.
11/2/2011 c8 sk84ndd327r0y
Another great story! ^_^ Love it!
10/25/2011 c1 15SuperiorSoccerMom
Very good and i loved the detail in everything! i will definalty read the other chapters when i get out of school everyday!
10/25/2011 c8 41crystal moon princess
AWWWW THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING I LOVE IT^_^ THIS WAS THE BEST CHAPTER I HAVE READ^_^ It was simply amazing^_^ so romantic and expectacular^_^ At the same time it was very sad when atem and seba cried :'( GReat job writing this chapter it was simply... Perfect... AMazing^_^ I love it^_^

Now on with my part *growled* what do you mean putting tea and MY yugi as couple grrrr. Common my light TEA? I would rather he goes aloune to the prom *pouts cutetly* Hum you better make her move far away from MY yugi *cought* make *cough* her *cought* move away or *cought* bring a new girl for yugi *smile innocently* common please egypt *puppy dog eyes*

Lol THe chatroom part was sooo funny I love every minute of it make me laught so hard lol I am still laughing^_^ LOl gooo Yugi *giggles* I love the chatroom sceen LOL^_^

THis chapter had it all jello scene,funny,romantic,sad and everything else it was simply... unforgatable^_^ LOve it^_^ great job doing it^_^
10/17/2011 c7 crystal moon princess
the ending was so...CUTE^_^ I always love a happy ending in a chapter^_^ but it was sad that seba can't give childrens :'( I wonder what will happend next^_^ I also wonder what atem and seba will do when atem is old and seba is still young *giggles* lol and I was wondering what happend to Rose lol^_^
10/9/2011 c6 crystal moon princess
Lol this chapter was really interesting with yugi lol ;) he and seba made atem jello^_^ LOl and atem really was confident when he was about to dual kaiba *giggles* Yugi is really a great challanger when it comes to games lol^_^ lol I love when you kick bakura out of the chatroom^_^ that make me really happy^_^ but what bakura going to do.? what is going to happend?
10/9/2011 c6 Aqua girl 007
This is pretty good so far. No offence, his name is "Kaiba" not Kiba.
10/7/2011 c5 Pokegirl360
Please make more chapters.
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