Just In
for Destiny or Doom

12/13/2011 c1 3AncientHouseOfBlack
This is really good!
11/24/2011 c1 Shu of the Wind
Awww, this is beautiful. :)
11/14/2011 c1 8evelsaint93
Awesome idea. I don't have much experience with Shakespearean literature but the contents summed it up nicely.

Morgana's vision of the future shows a final outcome but this does not mean the path to that outcome cannot me changed.

Definitely something that I'm trying to incorporate into my story.
10/5/2011 c1 beave1
I think that you describe Morgana's relationship with Merlin perfectly! Very well written the grammar and spelling are perfect - I think. :)
10/5/2011 c1 9PineapplePeopleSpokesman
I absoltely love this! I hope you get (got?) full marks! :)

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