Just In
for That Was All That Mattered

2/23/2021 c1 Guest
Really cute
9/19/2018 c1 Guest
This was so cute!I loved it
7/24/2015 c1 22ChocoChipKitty
Awwwww... that was ADORABLE...
11/17/2012 c1 35xXxWolvesInTheNightxXx
I really liked this!
9/11/2012 c1 1Niue Avatele
NaLu is all that matters . . LoL
7/9/2012 c1 ThePsychoticfun1
But I don't HAVE chocolate bars! *cries* I'm sorry I couldn't give you a chocolate bar!*bawls* -some random person comforts her- *looks at the person* ...I don't want pity, dork -.- *walks away leaving him there, sadly we shall never know his name*

This was a really good short story. I look forward to more! ..MORE!
Sorry I don't have an account.
7/5/2012 c1 18Cilence Renning
that was so sweet :')
3/23/2012 c1 5yuriakugara
Very nicely written. All the emotions are in display. Good work. ^_~
3/23/2012 c1 yuriakugara
Very nicely written. All the emotions are in display. Good work. ^_~
11/24/2011 c1 5AdelaideChrome
OMG! I love it! It's super sweet and it got sweeter when I remembered seeing Alina-chan's drawing on deviant art about a month ago. This story definitely suits that drawing

Great job! :)
10/15/2011 c1 93Mrs. HopeEstheim
I was just going to favorite this, but...your plea for chocolate bars got me. xD

I love Alina-chan's work on DeviantART, and I loved this story. So much. It was the perfect amount of suspenseful and cute and fluffy and...yeah. I'll stop embarrassing myself, shall I?

Great job! Keep it up :)
10/12/2011 c1 13Senbei x Cup Ramen
Awww! Short yet sweet!

I loved it how Natsu decided to comfort her...depsite looking/being half-dead XD

Gahhh! I wish it were longer :P

Will be looking forward to your future works! :D
10/11/2011 c1 6nkauj ntxoo xyooj
sweet i like it! good job by the way!

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