Just In
for Through Darkness

2/28/2012 c1 lovelymoongoddesserena
Plez plez plez continue this story Is so asOme very well wrigth in plez continue
10/29/2011 c1 1kitty13492
I like the story so far!I hope you can continue soon
10/17/2011 c1 1PinkFuzzBall
omg why would Karis have such a huge fight with her parents?

And why would she feel the urge to run away?

What'll happen to her next...?

Please update soon!
10/17/2011 c1 1The Insane Writer Demon
I like where this is going :) Nice OC and can't wait for the next chapter :D
10/15/2011 c1 7zXFallenAngelsXz
ohh! i abslutely love these types of stories! XD yours is turning outaweosme! =3 please continue! ^^

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