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3/16/2023 c58 Guest
Porfavor actualiza, me encantó mucho ️️
3/13/2023 c58 carlachuquidia
please new cap is fantastic
2/25/2023 c58 o
2/25/2023 c7 HossamGasser0
man sadly i am not captivated by how the plot goes at all. Why are you having nott and ron act as though they are teenagers not 11 year old kids, and what is not a fully skilled duelist now dodging and all(without worry too WOW). Feels so contrived imo to have the nott and ron plot in year 1 as if you had no idea what to place and though year 1 cant be simple. Ron happy gryffindor wins is weird. Replacing Ron with Neville even though this is a ron centric fic (guess ron actually doesnt matter)
2/25/2023 c4 HossamGasser0
idk about how this story is written so far. firstly i dont think hermione is ooc since she wouldve acted just like this. why did ron keep running with them even after he realized he has a slip. Harry and neivelle wouldnt be mates just because ron is not in gryffindor. and hermione being their friend currently wouldnt make sense
2/25/2023 c2 HossamGasser0
ain't no way you think harry is "at least as strong as dumbledore or stronger". Also you saying "strong as severus snape or at least as strong as dumbledore" makes it seem like snape is stronger which i seriously hope you do not believe that
2/15/2023 c7 RiIl
every time I see the word core I die a little on the inside.
1/26/2023 c1 Guest
You can really see Ron’s voice in the writing coming through
1/10/2023 c13 1ThreateningMedicine
12/29/2022 c1 r2c
So it has been abandoned. has it not?
12/18/2022 c1 yellowpear
This is a fun story. I've been reading this for the past 5 years and I just gotta say that thank you for writing this :) Only criticism I have is that Neville couldn't have beaten the chess game because Ron is the chessmaster. I like this story a lot. You've written it well. It's my favorite slytherin Ron story. I'm so glad this story exists. Take care and stay safe!
12/9/2022 c55 Guest
10/28/2022 c58 AzureSkai
I'm pretty eager to read about Ron's summer holiday with the Weasley's and with Theo and Ron staying at Daphne's! Looking forward to the next couple updates!
9/21/2022 c58 rex-rhodine
Just binged this story in around two or three days and i am absolutely GUTTED. Tears just won’t stop rolling down my face. Im just adore the direction and originality of the story. With Ron’s journey and now the inclusion of those that were sworn to secrecy. All the new potential for a Draco redemption, Cedric’s antics, the Twins now being out of hogwarts and Ginny still putting Ron’s feelings on the back burner. There’s just so much possible routes to explore for your story. I really look forward to what’s in store because this a top tier story!
8/26/2022 c58 Yeet
I admire your dedication to keep writing a story for a decade. It's nicely written. Thank you for writing this 3
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