Just In
for Choices

10/31/2011 c4 7NewSlove
i say this is another excellent chapter. yea, i can see that hermione here is very extremely judgemental... though i kinda thought harry would at least talk to ron... and neville to be at least a little understanding...

actually i thought everyone would notice that ron's been by himself...and i also wonder if charlie would have a say in his sorting cause he's the only one that hasn't been mentioned yet...

either way i like how ron's being portrayed here. definitely shows a lot.

i actually like ron and many stories i read always have as a bad guy betraying harry one way or another...but i'm glad it's not like that here. i agree when it's person who makes the house not house who makes the person
10/31/2011 c3 17A Fabler
Hey, I like your story so far... there aren't alot of Slytherin Ron stories, which is a shame. I also like the idea of Ron Seeing the future.

As for friends, I think that Ron should become friends with Theodore Nott and Blaise Zambini, and Tracy Davis(?)because they seem like those type of people that Slytherin Ron would like. Everyone needs friends and they seem like likely canidates for the position. There seems to be no chance with Draco... they think they may eventually have a understanding, but I don't think anything more than that.

My question is about cannon relationships, as in would Ron end up with Hermione again, even if it is an AU?
10/29/2011 c3 Ulaire
Longbottom? lol Thank you for making a Slytherin Ron that is not so cliche...most people, well the ones I found that is, tend to change Draco's or Ron's character to fit the house but you did it differently...I like it...please do keep it up...I'm curious as to what happens next...^^Update soon 3
10/29/2011 c3 hreft93
good chapter! it's believable and could fit in with canon nicely. Next chapter sounds interesting, I look forward to it. ^_^

How long will year one be? just wondering, I'm curios
10/29/2011 c3 too lazy to login
This was really cool! I can't wait for Harry and Hermione's scene :)
10/28/2011 c3 7NewSlove
lol definitely quite interesting. i have seen a lot of ron in slytherin but not like this. i do like it and the way ron handled malfoy. and i wonder who the replacement of ron is...though my bet is neville haha and if it's not him then i can't think of anyone else since i highly doubt it's dean or seamus haha.

it's good to see that the hat actually listened to ron and didn't tell anyone anything and it's good to see that percy, george, fred, and ginny doesn't hate ron though i have to wonder if percy will be like canon percy
10/23/2011 c2 hreft93
relly intresting plot, I hope you continue with it and don't giveup, even if few reads it for now. I can say that it's orignal and creative, and the tone of the text flows.

10/16/2011 c2 7TheIndianMuggle
Slytherin? Wow, I didn't see that coming. I like it so far. Update soon!
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