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for Vampire Biology

3/6/2019 c1 TeamEricNSookie
You’re nuts but I like it!
12/13/2015 c2 MiniLover
Loved it! Pam's answers were hilarious!
10/13/2013 c2 Vwchick
Very cute and funny!
10/9/2013 c1 lilydragonsblood
what a fab little fic! love your style, so glad I stumbled across your writing (saw your avatar on canadian beavers love askars tumblr and followed you from there!) i'm going to start reading your Alive After Dark epic now! (CAN'T WAIT!) x
10/3/2012 c2 lisawadsworth86
Fabulas loved it pam makes me laught she's so stright forward

I would love to know y pam likes women better than men?

Iv read a few of ur fan fics but forget to review coz I get hooked on them anyway seeing as I'm reviewing now I want to congratulat you on they fanficts I have read and hope you write more. Forgive me I'm crap with remembering titles of storeys but iv read sookie wuth cancer ( I can relate to that my mum has breast cancer) iv also worth a try good fences and a 60 odd chapter long one

Anyway hope we have another inteview with pam soon

Happy writing
12/6/2011 c1 22par-ic
This is great :)
11/11/2011 c2 4AuntieL
That was fun! Loved the concept of how the first vampire was produced. Imagine if s/he were still alive?
11/8/2011 c2 catliketread
Hilarious story! would love to see another chapter!

x ExclusivelyErics z
11/5/2011 c1 hawkgirl27
10/30/2011 c2 3Northman Maille
Forget she has a son, I love it!

Ooh I got two questions, huge thanks to you and Pam! Very cool interviews, hope there is more :)
10/29/2011 c2 AudraLeeony
LMAO that pam! Loved it
10/28/2011 c2 vikingtrubie
About peed my pants and turned all shades of red when I saw my question. Thanks! Do like your Q&A with Pam. She's fabulous! I can't seem to think of anymore questions, least not clean ones :) yeah the sparkly vampires dont really make sense but I do like them too and am excited to see Breaking Dawn. I didn't get the bloody tear thing either. Oh did think of a question...What's Pam's thoughts on Alan Ball?
10/27/2011 c2 Duckbutt
Question for Pammy -with modern plumbing, and better distribution of food, do humans taste/smell better than centuries ago, or has environmental pollution sort of cancelled out those advances? King Edgington stated humans used to taste better, but I imagine they didn't smell very good...

10/27/2011 c2 ganoo
I just read chapters 1 & 2 of Vampire Biology, my, my, my, how very educational!...these are facts that every vampire lover should know...especially the tears, I'm so glad we were wrong about the blood just makes sense...Pam wouldn't abide anything that messy, not that she would ever cry...she just wouldn't abide it in anybody else either...hhmmm, my sistas seem to have asked quite good questions and my curiosity is slaked for now...I'm sure I will think of something more as soon as I send in this review(isn't that always the way?)...thank you so much for giving us this vampire lore for our edification...btw, thank Pam also...I can't wait for more...
10/27/2011 c2 3murgatroid-98
Delightful. I'm getting quite an education here.
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