Just In
for Assassination

6/9/2016 c1 9BlackMoonWolf22
Is Yugi an assassin?
1/2/2014 c11 33FireWing Pegasus
Nice chapter, wonder how the item bearers will do. Hope they dont have to fight kids cuz knowing seto, he wont show mercy to a child unless its mokuba. Wonder when the next chapter will be
6/12/2013 c9 6KeketKageAlakshmi
Kage: DAMN, this is a good story!
Keket: Kage... language please. -_-'
Alakshmi: Ignore them, keep writing!
4/19/2012 c10 sk84ndd327r0y
Ooooh blood... now I want to watch a gore movie.

ANOTHER MASTER! AND HE DIED TOO! WOOOOOOOOOOO! I must be in the blood mood... awesome.

4/18/2012 c10 3ABCthealphabet
I love it! great fight scene! also if found hilarous that she found time to throw an insult at seth in the middle of her fight to the death. i love how u desribe things so accurtly and fully keep with this story cant wait for more
4/15/2012 c9 41crystal moon princess
Cute chapter it was fluffy^_^ atem's is scary lol Go atem!^_^ those people were bad capturing the animals T_T I am glad that their going to let them go^_^! It was really a cute scene when she gently let the lioness touch her arm^_^! All was going well until that hodded figured came T_T Hope he pays for inturrapting the momment ^_^!
4/15/2012 c10 crystal moon princess
Wowwww I am so glad you updated^_^! This chapter was amazing and funny too^_^ It was always like seth acting strong but inside he is a big teddy bear^_^ I am glad that she won the fight but their still hodded figures left that are trying to kill her T_T I hope atem and her have a happilly ever after soon they desserve it^_^!
4/12/2012 c10 15Shikamaru'sLove
Epic chappie! Update soon
4/12/2012 c10 15SuperiorSoccerMom
YAY! I'm soo glad you updated! It was great! Update soon! ;p
1/28/2012 c9 SuperiorSoccerMom
AWESOME CHAPTER! I hate cliffhangers! You always have to wait! I'm gonna bring out my pervertness and say that i can't wait for a lemon! XDDDDDDDDD -wink-wink-
1/28/2012 c9 3ABCthealphabet
uuuurrrgghhh evil cliffhanger!

update soon

i love fluff! all of it in this chapter was adorable!

keep up the good work!
1/27/2012 c9 sk84ndd327r0y
Okay either its Melvin or a Master. My bet's on the Master though. Heh, GREAT CHAPTER!
1/12/2012 c8 sk84ndd327r0y
Yeah master-guy-person feel the death! HAH! Okay sorry...uhm great chapter and update soon!
1/10/2012 c8 ABCthealphabet
Nice action! It was a good chapter I espcalliy loved the fluff in the end!
12/31/2011 c7 ABCthealphabet
Yah! Fluffyness! I was in the mood for some fluff

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