1/2/2014 c11 33FireWing Pegasus
Nice chapter, wonder how the item bearers will do. Hope they dont have to fight kids cuz knowing seto, he wont show mercy to a child unless its mokuba. Wonder when the next chapter will be
Nice chapter, wonder how the item bearers will do. Hope they dont have to fight kids cuz knowing seto, he wont show mercy to a child unless its mokuba. Wonder when the next chapter will be
6/12/2013 c9 6KeketKageAlakshmi
Kage: DAMN, this is a good story!
Keket: Kage... language please. -_-'
Alakshmi: Ignore them, keep writing!
Kage: DAMN, this is a good story!
Keket: Kage... language please. -_-'
Alakshmi: Ignore them, keep writing!
4/19/2012 c10 sk84ndd327r0y
Ooooh blood... now I want to watch a gore movie.
ANOTHER MASTER! AND HE DIED TOO! WOOOOOOOOOOO! I must be in the blood mood... awesome.
Ooooh blood... now I want to watch a gore movie.
ANOTHER MASTER! AND HE DIED TOO! WOOOOOOOOOOO! I must be in the blood mood... awesome.
4/18/2012 c10 3ABCthealphabet
I love it! great fight scene! also if found hilarous that she found time to throw an insult at seth in the middle of her fight to the death. i love how u desribe things so accurtly and fully keep with this story cant wait for more
I love it! great fight scene! also if found hilarous that she found time to throw an insult at seth in the middle of her fight to the death. i love how u desribe things so accurtly and fully keep with this story cant wait for more
4/15/2012 c9 41crystal moon princess
Cute chapter it was fluffy^_^ atem's is scary lol Go atem!^_^ those people were bad capturing the animals T_T I am glad that their going to let them go^_^! It was really a cute scene when she gently let the lioness touch her arm^_^! All was going well until that hodded figured came T_T Hope he pays for inturrapting the momment ^_^!
Cute chapter it was fluffy^_^ atem's is scary lol Go atem!^_^ those people were bad capturing the animals T_T I am glad that their going to let them go^_^! It was really a cute scene when she gently let the lioness touch her arm^_^! All was going well until that hodded figured came T_T Hope he pays for inturrapting the momment ^_^!
4/15/2012 c10 crystal moon princess
Wowwww I am so glad you updated^_^! This chapter was amazing and funny too^_^ It was always like seth acting strong but inside he is a big teddy bear^_^ I am glad that she won the fight but their still hodded figures left that are trying to kill her T_T I hope atem and her have a happilly ever after soon they desserve it^_^!
Wowwww I am so glad you updated^_^! This chapter was amazing and funny too^_^ It was always like seth acting strong but inside he is a big teddy bear^_^ I am glad that she won the fight but their still hodded figures left that are trying to kill her T_T I hope atem and her have a happilly ever after soon they desserve it^_^!
1/28/2012 c9 SuperiorSoccerMom
AWESOME CHAPTER! I hate cliffhangers! You always have to wait! I'm gonna bring out my pervertness and say that i can't wait for a lemon! XDDDDDDDDD -wink-wink-
AWESOME CHAPTER! I hate cliffhangers! You always have to wait! I'm gonna bring out my pervertness and say that i can't wait for a lemon! XDDDDDDDDD -wink-wink-
1/28/2012 c9 3ABCthealphabet
uuuurrrgghhh evil cliffhanger!
update soon
i love fluff! all of it in this chapter was adorable!
keep up the good work!
uuuurrrgghhh evil cliffhanger!
update soon
i love fluff! all of it in this chapter was adorable!
keep up the good work!
1/27/2012 c9 sk84ndd327r0y
Okay either its Melvin or a Master. My bet's on the Master though. Heh, GREAT CHAPTER!
Okay either its Melvin or a Master. My bet's on the Master though. Heh, GREAT CHAPTER!
1/12/2012 c8 sk84ndd327r0y
Yeah master-guy-person feel the death! HAH! Okay sorry...uhm great chapter and update soon!
Yeah master-guy-person feel the death! HAH! Okay sorry...uhm great chapter and update soon!
1/10/2012 c8 ABCthealphabet
Nice action! It was a good chapter I espcalliy loved the fluff in the end!
Nice action! It was a good chapter I espcalliy loved the fluff in the end!