Just In
for Abandoned Baby

5/1/2022 c200 32Erik9393
hope you're doing okay
4/18/2019 c59 Guest
Er so to get this straight this is exactly after they did the deed right but like I know this is fiction and all but since when does a baby appear overnight that's just on another level of crazy...
9/12/2014 c189 39Willow Edmond
It's nice to see a story about Drew, the guy doesn't seem to get much love.
8/24/2014 c186 mcdx025
I'm just gonna write a combined review for all of the chapters. OMG your back! I always look forward to your updates. I can't believe they had a baby girl. I love the name Isabella. Drew is so adorable when he's talking and caring for the kids. I love Bless and Drew's relationship. Can't wait to read more! :D
5/29/2014 c180 mcdx025
Yay their having another baby! Awesome update :D
5/8/2014 c170 mcdx025
Awesome updates! Really looking forward to more. You have a great talent at writing. Keep up the good work. :D
4/10/2014 c163 mcdx025
Glad you got a chance to update! Good Job! Can't wait for more.
3/9/2014 c161 mcdx025
I love this story! Hope you choose to update when you have time.
3/26/2013 c161 18FanfictionWhisperx
I wanna see more cat and Alex bonding
7/8/2012 c132 Idcam
Yayy they have it set for the wedding now I hope the guys come back I've missed them.
7/3/2012 c130 Idcam
Great triple update I can't wait for Tue wedding
6/7/2012 c127 Idcam
Catherine is so adorable she loves her brother very much
6/7/2012 c126 Idcam
sweet home they need this time to bind with the baby
6/5/2012 c125 Idcam
Aww yayy the baby Is finally here. I hope the guys show up to meet the new member of there family
6/5/2012 c125 crazylilbitch
I am so glad the Bless and Drew finally had their baby boy. The moments with Catherine and her baby brother were so cute.
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