Just In
for God's Love Is My Drug

7/3/2013 c1 JesusFreakLivingforHim
I love Christian remixes. They are so much more fun to sing. :)
9/9/2012 c1 15DaughteroftheOliveBranch
would you mind if I sang this on YouTube? I'll give you credit! Promise :)
7/9/2012 c1 Hoodie3525
This was cute i liked it :D man if only this is how kesha sung it... i like either version, but this 1 better. I also liked in the summary how u did a disclaimer for Jesus then said "He owns me" XD lol made my day
7/8/2012 c1 Guest
11/5/2011 c1 2ciyasaur
This is a really clever idea. I like it haha.
10/31/2011 c1 SakuraPinkWolf
LOL this is so funny, it fits too.

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