Just In
for Certainty

4/9/2014 c3 mattcun
plz write more soon
5/12/2013 c2 Guest
Please update there are so few Matrix crossovers and drabbles or not seems like a great idea.
5/13/2013 c1 Oh I am Slain
I'm guessing you meant the character "Seraph", not "Sherif"?

Another excellent and fun crossover. Cheers!
1/17/2013 c2 mattcun
plz write more
4/1/2012 c2 3kyjori
beautifully written so far. I would love to see this continued.
12/5/2011 c1 kyjori
intruiging story so far.
11/18/2011 c2 Who Are You What Do You Want
Very interesting story.
11/16/2011 c2 Apostrophia
Interesting beginning- Harry seems to have been living a long time (and yet the year in the matrix is less than that in the books :) ) . I wonder how he got into the Matrix, and what the relationship with the Oracle is. And who is his love? So interesting. Please keep writing it, and I hope you would update soon!
11/15/2011 c2 1bluefox009
Hmmm... I am interested in seeing where this will go
11/12/2011 c2 8Plunny.Empress
Hmmm... I wonder how this happened? ^-^ I look forward to the next chapter. ^-^
11/7/2011 c2 4tanis19
story looks interesting
11/7/2011 c2 mabidiso
And the unrelenting ambiguity continues! Well written, suspenseful, vivid images and all that jazz, but I'll be damned if I know any more than I knew last chapter. Sigh.
11/7/2011 c2 107kirallie
Interesting second chapter. Just what is Harry's role and what is he now?
11/7/2011 c2 ozymandias123
love the story, please continue writing it.
11/7/2011 c2 homosuperior
Getting better :) Keep going ;D
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