12/3/2014 c5
This seems to be mostly a recitation of canon, and Snape is still up a creek without a paddle.
And he's right. Dumbledore could get run down by the Knight Bus in the next five minutes, and nobody would know anything about the Horcruxes.
You know, there used to be this ancient art used by the military called 'writing things down' or perhaps even putting them in a Pensieve for the right viewer...

This seems to be mostly a recitation of canon, and Snape is still up a creek without a paddle.
And he's right. Dumbledore could get run down by the Knight Bus in the next five minutes, and nobody would know anything about the Horcruxes.
You know, there used to be this ancient art used by the military called 'writing things down' or perhaps even putting them in a Pensieve for the right viewer...
8/19/2014 c4 excessivelyperky
Excellent chapter yet again. Hermione is so busted on writing Ron's essays for him, and the punishment was absolutely appropriate. Ron isn't doing any work because he knows Hermione will do it for him (at least Harry is using a new source to crib from this year).
And part of Hermione's utter self confidence is because she only compares herself to Harry and Ron; if she was in Ravenclaw, or even Hufflepuff, she would have a less inflated view of her abilities.
But she really is into learning! It's a good thing she's willing to learn Occlumency, because the other two aren't.
Excellent chapter yet again. Hermione is so busted on writing Ron's essays for him, and the punishment was absolutely appropriate. Ron isn't doing any work because he knows Hermione will do it for him (at least Harry is using a new source to crib from this year).
And part of Hermione's utter self confidence is because she only compares herself to Harry and Ron; if she was in Ravenclaw, or even Hufflepuff, she would have a less inflated view of her abilities.
But she really is into learning! It's a good thing she's willing to learn Occlumency, because the other two aren't.
8/17/2014 c3 excessivelyperky
Oh, dear-Hermione is walking nearly the same path Snape took at the same age in many ways; memorizing charms that *she* doesn't know what they will do either, getting extra lessons from Hagrid and making good friends with Grawp (admittedly, that turned out quite well the year before) and dancing on a tightrope with MacLaggen.
No wonder Voldemort admires her.
Frankly, if I were Snape I would be drinking a *lot* more than he is...
Oh, dear-Hermione is walking nearly the same path Snape took at the same age in many ways; memorizing charms that *she* doesn't know what they will do either, getting extra lessons from Hagrid and making good friends with Grawp (admittedly, that turned out quite well the year before) and dancing on a tightrope with MacLaggen.
No wonder Voldemort admires her.
Frankly, if I were Snape I would be drinking a *lot* more than he is...
8/17/2014 c2 excessivelyperky
Oh, dear; Hermione is utterly certain she knows everything, and what she doesn't know she can study on her own without any help (or cozen teachers into giving her extra lessons). Doesn't she know that only Harry gets extra lessons at Hogwarts? And if Harry is doing so well in Potions, why isn't she taking lessons from the Half-Blood Prince as well?
But I like her interaction with the Boggart, and the way that Snape helped her (Bat Bogeys against the Dark Lord? Way cool).
As for McLaggen, hormones are not kind to the girl who gets them later than others...and she's beginning to learn that part as well.
Oh, dear; Hermione is utterly certain she knows everything, and what she doesn't know she can study on her own without any help (or cozen teachers into giving her extra lessons). Doesn't she know that only Harry gets extra lessons at Hogwarts? And if Harry is doing so well in Potions, why isn't she taking lessons from the Half-Blood Prince as well?
But I like her interaction with the Boggart, and the way that Snape helped her (Bat Bogeys against the Dark Lord? Way cool).
As for McLaggen, hormones are not kind to the girl who gets them later than others...and she's beginning to learn that part as well.
10/14/2013 c1 excessivelyperky
Very good start! Then again, hexing each other is likely how many Slytherin relationships become cemented, so it would not surprised me if Draco thought he was flirting with Hermione in the only way he could and not be smacked around for going soft on a Mudblood. But I am surprised that Hermione thinks it might be a bad thing to characterize the Slytherins as evil all the time-she certainly kept her mouth shut when the twins nearly killed Montague.
At some point in time, Hermione ought to realize that books aren't always right, and perhaps Harry has the right of it. But perhaps she's right to be cautious-Harry will always get off without much trouble, even when he nearly kills Draco (which appears to be a Gryffindor rite of passage in canon, when you think about it). But Hermione might get in *real* trouble for doing what Harry does.
I don't blame Snape for being morose-if Dumbledore is truly his only friend, he's in a world of hurt, since Albus came up with a charming new way to make sure Snape doesn't survive an Order victory.
Very good start! Then again, hexing each other is likely how many Slytherin relationships become cemented, so it would not surprised me if Draco thought he was flirting with Hermione in the only way he could and not be smacked around for going soft on a Mudblood. But I am surprised that Hermione thinks it might be a bad thing to characterize the Slytherins as evil all the time-she certainly kept her mouth shut when the twins nearly killed Montague.
At some point in time, Hermione ought to realize that books aren't always right, and perhaps Harry has the right of it. But perhaps she's right to be cautious-Harry will always get off without much trouble, even when he nearly kills Draco (which appears to be a Gryffindor rite of passage in canon, when you think about it). But Hermione might get in *real* trouble for doing what Harry does.
I don't blame Snape for being morose-if Dumbledore is truly his only friend, he's in a world of hurt, since Albus came up with a charming new way to make sure Snape doesn't survive an Order victory.
3/31/2013 c5 bluefirefly5
I think that chapter was the best yet. First, I'm proud of Hermione. She's finally putting her amazing deductive reasoning skills to use this year and correctly guessed Snape was the Half-Blood Prince.
Second, I loved Severus' conversation with Dumbledore. It was really funny. Then I was proud of Hermione for deciding to give up on Ron. I sincerely hope she won't change her idea when he get poisoned in Slughorn's office.
Lastly, those detentions keep getting more interesting, which is hard to do in the first place since they were pretty interesting to begin with.
Please start updating again soon! Pretty please!
I think that chapter was the best yet. First, I'm proud of Hermione. She's finally putting her amazing deductive reasoning skills to use this year and correctly guessed Snape was the Half-Blood Prince.
Second, I loved Severus' conversation with Dumbledore. It was really funny. Then I was proud of Hermione for deciding to give up on Ron. I sincerely hope she won't change her idea when he get poisoned in Slughorn's office.
Lastly, those detentions keep getting more interesting, which is hard to do in the first place since they were pretty interesting to begin with.
Please start updating again soon! Pretty please!
3/31/2013 c4 bluefirefly5
I actually agree with Snape about Hermione's grade and the fact he gave her three detentions. She really needs to stop enabling Ron, and everybody else, come to think of it. She's not doing them any favors at all. And really, what the heck does she see in Ron anyway?
That detention was even more interesting than the first one. Hopefully, Snape will be successful in teaching her how to think for herself instead of parroting textbooks. :o)
I actually agree with Snape about Hermione's grade and the fact he gave her three detentions. She really needs to stop enabling Ron, and everybody else, come to think of it. She's not doing them any favors at all. And really, what the heck does she see in Ron anyway?
That detention was even more interesting than the first one. Hopefully, Snape will be successful in teaching her how to think for herself instead of parroting textbooks. :o)
3/31/2013 c3 bluefirefly5
Bad girl, Hermione, to lead on McLaggen. Be careful the table doesn't turn on you.
Uh-oh. I have the distinct feeling it's most definitely not a good thing Voldemort got interested in Hermione. And now she is to have detentions just because he was pissed off! What an arsehole.
Bad girl, Hermione, to lead on McLaggen. Be careful the table doesn't turn on you.
Uh-oh. I have the distinct feeling it's most definitely not a good thing Voldemort got interested in Hermione. And now she is to have detentions just because he was pissed off! What an arsehole.
3/31/2013 c2 bluefirefly5
I'm not surprised Snape realized Hermione cheated, and I guessed he must have had his own personal reasons not to report her (though I am unsure if the one reason he told her is the only one, or even the main one - what about the fact that Harry would be dead already without her? That with the war looming, the 'Chosen One' needs her now more than ever? Or just that Albus never would have expelled her?). The detention with the Boggart was pretty interesting.
And I'm glad Hermione asked Hagrid for private lessons.
I'm not surprised Snape realized Hermione cheated, and I guessed he must have had his own personal reasons not to report her (though I am unsure if the one reason he told her is the only one, or even the main one - what about the fact that Harry would be dead already without her? That with the war looming, the 'Chosen One' needs her now more than ever? Or just that Albus never would have expelled her?). The detention with the Boggart was pretty interesting.
And I'm glad Hermione asked Hagrid for private lessons.
3/31/2013 c1 bluefirefly5
Well, Hermione, I don't know why you like Ron either. He's about as well-suited to you as a mangoose is to a snake. (So not at all really.)
Loved the chapter, and the dual point of view. A very interesting beginning. Too bad the story seems on hiatus. :o(
Well, Hermione, I don't know why you like Ron either. He's about as well-suited to you as a mangoose is to a snake. (So not at all really.)
Loved the chapter, and the dual point of view. A very interesting beginning. Too bad the story seems on hiatus. :o(