Just In
for Life with the Devil Hunter

12/1/2019 c1 etros
You are a really good writer. Will you continue the story someday? To me you capture Dante and Trish’s characters pretty well. Thanks for the fic!
3/30/2018 c9 ruth
vamos atuliza la historia
3/30/2018 c9 manu
1/17/2015 c9 GamingQueen
Really great series , looking forward to the next chapter.
6/10/2014 c9 10windstruck07
TT_TT i was like laughing my heart out while reading this chappie... and its sooo sad that when i hit the bottom of the screen *sniff* there no more chappie my grammar got ruin! boohoohoo

why oh why cruel world!
Dante and Trish 4eva! Hell yeah! XD
1/4/2014 c9 aliceyv
this fic is the best! really...omg continue soon
7/18/2013 c9 OerbeYunFang
I beg you to countinue this amazing story! 3
2/19/2013 c9 Scatter Senbonzakura kageyoshi
1/26/2013 c8 Alyssa
okay this is awesome you NEED to continue this because i WANT more! omg you are incredible! i could actually imagine these scenes in my head while im reading! its like the animated series playing in my head.. but its your story! please keep writing!
11/6/2012 c9 Trish Sparda
please update soon
10/10/2012 c9 elphie
Please continue! I loved it!
8/14/2012 c8 3QueenVanillaCoke
O_O Id thought youve got more chapters for us? Please!

O,O Please! I want to read more of it! Just one little chapter! QoQ Plrease!
I like how this story goes! TT-TT I think that this will be one of the last really good DxT-Stories until the next Part of DMC will be coming out *froze* ToT Plrease! More chapters!
6/21/2012 c9 QueenVanillaCoke
Oooookay... This Fic is far the MOST

beautiful story about Dante and Trish ive read in years! O_O

I can see the charas without an Ooc and the relationship between Dante and Trish goes an good way deeper without geeting creepy or to much fluff O_O Please! Write more!

PS. Please! Excuse my worst english!

Speaking is much better for met then doing the grammer!
6/1/2012 c9 Purdypride
Oh my god! I love this fanfic! SO MUCH!

I love it how you describe the relationship between Dante and Trish and I laughed so hard when he sang :D

Also loved the situation when he was jealous because she let Johnny bring her to the shop.

And then, finally, when he expresses his feelings this fuckin' shithead is drunk -.- .

Did I already say that I love this fic? Because I do! :D

Very well-written and also easy to understand, even for a poor german girl like me :D hope you'll update a new chap soon :)
4/18/2012 c9 NeonXIII
I'm absolutely loving the relationship between Dante and Trish as well as the rest of the characters in this!

Please continue, I'm looking forward to it! :D
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