Just In
for Written in the Stars

12/13/2019 c19 glo4twilight
omg that was absolutely suspensefilled! so glad she's with someone she knows. so sad about that baby's parents but at least the baby is safe!
12/12/2019 c18 glo4twilight
Oh wow like that was so intense whoa whoa! Excellent writng. Had me on the edge of my frikin seat lol. I do hope the babies and the men are safe. Love rose right here lol.
12/12/2019 c17 glo4twilight
It's a good thing bella caught onto what was going on and I'm so glad she has tanya with her all the time she's cool.
12/11/2019 c16 glo4twilight
Lol it sure sucks having to hold your pee for so long that you're sick.
12/10/2019 c15 glo4twilight
Oh she did good. It went alot better than i thiught it would good for her. And she has such a supportive mate.
12/8/2019 c30 3ReadM0re
This made me cry ugly tears
12/8/2019 c14 glo4twilight
Hmm i dont know about some of the stuff rose says she shouldn't be encouraging bella not to speak to Edward about shit. I dont like that idea.
12/8/2019 c13 glo4twilight
Oh geez so much going on wtf! I just love their familt time with their babies. Love edwards bond with his children. Soooo adorable! Poor alice. Why is it that the man sees things when the woman has left lol.
12/6/2019 c12 glo4twilight
It almost seems so hopeless. Like james really has them over a barrel right now. I can't even begin to imagine ehat they're gonna do. All i know is edward is sexy as fuck lol
12/5/2019 c11 glo4twilight
Omg how are they going to combat james and the rebels. Why are they in that place and not the palace anyways. The babies are soooo cuuuute. I love that they are close to their fathers lol.
12/5/2019 c10 glo4twilight
Bit of a stressful time for them but some beautiful moments in between with their babies nawwww.
12/5/2019 c9 glo4twilight
omg whaaaaat?!
12/4/2019 c8 glo4twilight
Oh wow yay! I wondered if she mightve been having twins due to her being bugger than alice lol. I'm ecstatic!
12/3/2019 c7 glo4twilight
Hahahaha! Well im so glad things got sorted real quick and that bella got to edward before he cut off his tail. I really enjoyed this your work!
12/3/2019 c6 glo4twilight
Omg why didn't she tell edqard he saved her from falling. Now how long is she gonna drag this out for! New moon nearly kiled me lol . It was such a beautiful chapter till then lol.
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