Just In
for Chills of Autumn

11/1/2015 c6 DarthJacob
very spoopy nice work more shit like this mate
9/18/2014 c11 Luigi
yay! Luigi doesn't die! XD
11/25/2013 c11 le lalala
i LOVED it. but killing Yoshi was 2 hard 4 me... is my favv charecter
10/20/2013 c11 anna7437
8/1/2013 c5 10PSULucky
Wowwww so yoshi died...
Didn't predict that, honestly.
Also, I liked the sequence with Pauline and the end of her relationship. It actually gives her a little more story than what Nintendo does, so that's cool. She might be behind this, though...who knows? I can't say I trust her...
7/2/2013 c4 PSULucky
So Wario kicked the bucket...
AND, we have three more characters who may or may not die...
I liked the Waluigi creeper scene and I'm happy to see that Pauline is in this (she's a really underused character!), even though her life kinda sucks right now. Personally I like Pip and I hope he doesn't die, but...this IS a slasher-type fic, so we'll have to wait and see...
I have no idea who the killer is though (or maybe it's someone we haven't been introduced to yet?). Hmmm...questions, questions, questions...
7/1/2013 c3 PSULucky
Dun dun dun...
Blood. seems the Koopalings are in this maze, too, or so it seems.
I really can't wait to see who dies first...I don't think you'd kill Yoshi off first, but maybe you will. Or maybe you won't. (Let's just hope it's Daisy). Anyway, good chapter and can't wait to read more.

But wait a second...why is Wario being so creepy? I mean, one minute he's lurking around with an axe, then the next minute he's bleeding out in pain. Something seems...fishy.
7/1/2013 c2 PSULucky
Splitting up. Good idea? No. Will it provide for an awesome read? Yes. Can't wait to see how this goes down.
I have a couple theories as to this whole thing: a) everyone's going to die slasher-style b) we're going to think everyone's dead, but really its just part of the maze c) they are pranking Peach.
I'm not sure, but I'd probably assume A is the best bet.
I think Daisy's toast, by the way. She's probably going to get an epic comeuppance for forcing Peach into this whole thing.
6/21/2013 c1 PSULucky
Can't wait to see how this turns out. I love these slasher/horror death stories so I'm happy I found this. Anyway, can't wait for next chapter... ;)
12/10/2012 c11 kooky hater
great story! arent mr L and luigi the same person?french fries!
12/9/2012 c1 Shadowdragon456
love this story I hope a sequel is made to this one. o.o
7/21/2012 c11 Bowserfan101
Aww. Poor Bowser. ;(
LOL, he can't fit in the elevator. :P

Awesome story! I hope you make more in the future!
7/21/2012 c10 Bowserfan101
Yay, Daisy survived! She even tried to fight Mr. L, like the awesome princess she is!
7/9/2012 c11 justanothergirl
I love the whole thing well maybe not the killing part but every thing else
6/25/2012 c11 nene1234
i didnt log in but

you had me at the edge of my seat!


are you going to make a sequal?

if so ... yay!

princess out
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