Just In
for Hermione's Exasperation

12/4/2011 c6 TheDivaDivine
Although I like the story the part about the ice cream in reality it only works when it is the MAN sharing his ice cream with the WOMAN. Yes I know it sexiest but that how it works. To do it the other way around is not as convincing while it makes the ending cute it is not believable. Also This sounds like a story that a man in a committed relationship would right because the situation called for Ron humiliating himself by saying he was wrong and an idiot to make Hermione forgive him. While sometimes that works I would like a story or a situation it which the man does not admit that he is wrong even though he may well be wrong. There are some situations in which a man is right and he should stick by that decision. That makes him way more sexier to the woman. Yes I know that was a sexist statement also but true.
11/8/2011 c6 Jessica K Scea
aww so sweet
11/3/2011 c6 HeRonLove
I would be happy to share ice cream with you Ron.
11/3/2011 c6 17moonliteshdow
Cute - loved the ending :D
11/3/2011 c6 Romione4ever
I loved it! Great friendship fic about the trio and beautiful small amount of R/Hr romance xD
11/3/2011 c1 397Fire The Canon
Great start! Very in character. I can imagine Hermione desperately trying to help Harry get over Sirius' death and Ron being more hesitant (and in the meantime being jealous of Hermione's attention toward Harry-it's an aspect I am exploring myself lately).

Great job!
11/2/2011 c5 17moonliteshdow
This is great - the bit about Ron losing his broomstick and chocolate to the mountain troll was hilarious :D
11/2/2011 c5 kareem33
I like this story. Most FF writers love to point out Ron's faults. It's refreshing to read a fic. where Hermione's and Harry's faults are also shown.
11/2/2011 c5 8whatweareafreaidof
Why I love your storys, you are one of the few ff writers to at time show hermonie in a bad light, with is to me a good thing becouse she does call him names and yell at him, she never goes to Ron to make sure he ok, nither does harry,
11/1/2011 c5 baobei
hope this isn't complete?
10/31/2011 c3 HeRonLove
That was interesting, you have my attention. Why is this fic marked as completed when it clearly is not? Why is Harry giveing in to Hermione's demands to talk, when we all know that Harry is just as stubborn as Ron and Hermione is, if not more.
10/31/2011 c3 5oscarpaz00
Interesting and cute, though I don't think Harry would have accepted Hermione's demands to speak.

But what now irritates me is that the story is marked as completed and it isn't! And now I want to read more!

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