Just In
for Things Were More Simple Then

6/9/2012 c1 10metallicgreen
"It was no longer purely mine. It was ours. It was his. And I was just playing along." That line! Love it.

I never even thought of the direction you took this story...Fantastic job. Keep it up! I'd love to read more of this pairing from you.
5/16/2012 c1 shadowdolls
This is a wonderful idea . I don't think I'll be able to play Pokemon White the same way again xP Damn, and I haven't even challenged the elite four yet! But still, I like you're Black more than Pokespecial Black XP It's deep. The way Black thinks is deep. This is an awesome onst :D
11/3/2011 c1 dainochild
Very interesting attempt to combine the two canons. I think it works well. I like the way you worked some of N's words into Black's thoughts, especially in regard's to Black's dream. The part where he started to feel his dream was no longer his own made me frown in concern! PokeSpe Black is so wild and determined with his dream, so it makes total sense for him to be completely possessive of it too.

Great story, very powerfully emotive and a great combination of two canons!

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