1/6 c38 Guest
Baring his teeth. Not "bearing."
Wary, and warily. Not "weary" and "wearily."
Baring his teeth. Not "bearing."
Wary, and warily. Not "weary" and "wearily."
1/22/2024 c42 Safeshrine
Just thinking about this amazing story again :-)
Just thinking about this amazing story again :-)
8/22/2023 c42 Midsix9091
I love this fic! I do Hope you come back to it one day! Wishing you all the best!
I love this fic! I do Hope you come back to it one day! Wishing you all the best!
6/17/2023 c1
Just wanted to leave a review that this is an amazing story! I keep coming back to it throughout the years for a re-read. One day I hope to see it continued, but if not I will still make my way back to another re-read. :)

Just wanted to leave a review that this is an amazing story! I keep coming back to it throughout the years for a re-read. One day I hope to see it continued, but if not I will still make my way back to another re-read. :)
2/10/2023 c42 no-new-fics
I'm not expecting an update to this work,but I did want to say that I hope your situation is a bit better now.
Thank you for your work.
I'm not expecting an update to this work,but I did want to say that I hope your situation is a bit better now.
Thank you for your work.
11/8/2022 c42
Well I do hope everything is well with you. Holding onto hope that you're doing well too.

Well I do hope everything is well with you. Holding onto hope that you're doing well too.
8/27/2022 c42 nighttimereader-viper
Oh I really loved this story and it was really good I hope at one point you continue this
Oh I really loved this story and it was really good I hope at one point you continue this
9/13/2021 c42 Lexkie
:o entiendo totalmente lo que dices, con la vida real en juego a veces se vuelve difícil editar y actualizar una historia. Se con certeza como uno se puede interesar en otro fandom y dejar de interesarse en el que escribías.
Me ha encantado tu historia,me tienes tan enganchada, espero que en algún futuro puedas continuar con esto, pero si no puedes, está bien :) gracias por compartir tus creaciones con nosotros
:o entiendo totalmente lo que dices, con la vida real en juego a veces se vuelve difícil editar y actualizar una historia. Se con certeza como uno se puede interesar en otro fandom y dejar de interesarse en el que escribías.
Me ha encantado tu historia,me tienes tan enganchada, espero que en algún futuro puedas continuar con esto, pero si no puedes, está bien :) gracias por compartir tus creaciones con nosotros