Just In
for It's Green

4/4/2020 c42 Guest
Why did you leave us when it was so good?
1/31/2020 c29 Phoenix1687
How as an adult teacher you here an 8 year old child call another a pussy and do nothing
1/31/2020 c28 Phoenix1687
How ignorant are these teachers! Can't they realize and comprehend the situation lol
1/25/2020 c42 Ideatron
Uh hi! I dunno if you forgot about this or if you lost interest, but it's been 8 (or 4 I guess) years? Um, so, -not to rush- but are you planning on putting the sequel up? Love you stuff 3
12/15/2019 c5 rosebud90
I like it so for
10/28/2019 c6 Guest
This is so well written
(That’s all I have to say)
10/1/2019 c42 FRAYLEIGH
Great story! A bit let down that you dont continue it but i enjoyed it nontheless. Keep doing you!
9/30/2019 c42 Alderaxen
Hey Doodle!

I know this is like 5 years too late, but I just wanted to drop a review here:

I really enjoyed reading your story. I really liked the way that you portrayed young Harry Potter; I feel like too many other FanFics make Harry into "an adult in the body of a child". I appreciate how the writing style, the language, and the proper nouns all convey a sense of child-like innocence without being condescending.

While I am looking forward to the end of the story (what happens with Delacours in the Tri-Wiz Tourn? Does Harry become friends with Draco? Is Draco evil in this story? How do Hermione and Ron play into this story?) I understand that after 5 years, a hiatus turns into abandonment. That being said, if life permits and your muse strikes, you would have at least one eager reader.

I hope life is going well for you,
9/25/2019 c18 Guest
... Yeah Im surprised the He didnt have the biggest goddamn bout of 'accidental' magic in the ENTIRE EXISTENCE of magic, and blow the Fuckers up...
8/15/2019 c42 Cadence
So you’ve just given up on this one then?
8/15/2019 c13 Cadence
Hey, so we don’t have grades in the uk, but years. Grade 3 year 4. Grade 7 year 8. We don’t really have mosquitos here, either. We do, however, have an abundance of rats and spiders. It’s a bit too cold for mosquitos, here.
8/4/2019 c42 Ravioli god
and whatnot.
Hope to see an update friend!
Doesn't matter when or what about.
8/3/2019 c19 Ravioli god
7/13/2019 c42 1BabieDove
I should have it all out before 2014,

(cries because it's July 2019)
7/13/2019 c42 Guest
I hope you pick this up again, its always been a favorite of mine. But I can understand how picking up an old fic is hard.
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