Just In
for It's Green

12/2/2017 c42 Guest
I will like an update please, I love this story and wish you would continue.
11/28/2017 c42 WolfSongGirl
Love the story, it just has this sort of charm to it that makes it easy to read and yet unique and very memorable. Definitely on my top ten list of Stories I Want To See Updated. Unfortunately, despite being some of the most unique, well-written, and rereadable (stories that you can happily read over and over again without getting tired of them, ones that end up becoming well-worn favorites) stories on the site, most of them are also on possibly permanent yet unofficial hiatus judging by the many years since the last updates to them. This story seems to be one of them. I still have hope though. At least the author is still writing, albeit not on this particular story.
11/24/2017 c9 3EmeraldWolf141
Me! I think he's a snake! Oh and have a good day I love your story
11/23/2017 c42 Dragon of Yin and Yang
Fantastic story! Can't wait for another update.
11/14/2017 c36 1Ms.Creant
im so mad at emily she brings dishonor upon the name.
11/11/2017 c42 Echo24Marin
Hello, I just wanted to say that this story is one of my all time favorites and I have been coming back to reread it for years. But, I was wondering if you were ok because you haven't been updating for years and you aren't that kind of author (given how much you have published) and was wondering if something had happened to you.
A fan,
11/4/2017 c42 Ciri
Will you ever continue this story and some others or should I give up on hoping for it? It's been years but I still love this fic so much... Either way I wish you good luck!
9/26/2017 c42 2Zaraih
I've really enjoyed this story and I do look forward to more ;)
8/29/2017 c5 19nagiten
who or what is samuel
8/8/2017 c42 Guest
Please edit soon!
8/7/2017 c42 mkalai482
I am literally crying right now because there is no more of this fic to read. I wish . . .
7/7/2017 c42 LadyPatata
Just wanted to tell you thank you for writing this fic, and I hope that this amazing story is not forgotten. Please update when you can, but please please don't abandon it. Warmest regards.
7/7/2017 c19 LadyPatata
If your depiction of Harry is considered "boring", then I LOVE reading about "boring" Harry! The story is addictive and I just keep wanting to know what happens next. Thank you for sharing your flair for writing with the world, just ignore the haters and write on.
7/1/2017 c42 Cafu
You do realize that it's been four years right?
7/1/2017 c10 Cafu
I think Samuel is a snake, or maybe a frog, because of the cricket comment...maybe.
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