Just In
for It's Green

11/4/2011 c8 portalefiamme
Very very nice to log in and discovered not one, but 3 chapter! Great! :)

Love the new developments in Harry! And the tatoo is a strange idea, but it is in the character of Harry. And the idea of green is so awesome. Really well explained!

Do you know something? I have the impression that this Harry and Luna will be best friend! Harry have a impression of the really that is not common.

I don't think that I have already said that but Thank you for sharing your story.

Until the next time, bye!
11/3/2011 c8 Ladieraie
Wonderful, well written story. :)
11/2/2011 c6 J.T. Mekjian
I'm loving this story so far. It makes harry a much more relatable character. I'm wondering when harry will get to Hogwarts. Since harry seems to have a fixation for the color green, do you plan to put him in Slytherin? I think he would do well in either slytherin or Ravenclaw. When are you going to mention harry's accidental magic?
11/2/2011 c6 3Justpucky
I like the whole Not-Aunt thing. Harry seems a little smarter than cannon, is he going to make a mental connection with magic or at least others like him before his hogwarts letter? He saw the lady with the wand and the Knight bus, and he should be about to figure out that his aunt is hiding something from him (magic and dragons).
11/2/2011 c5 Ungodlyone
11/1/2011 c5 14April Dawn Irene
The only reason I haven't reviewed is because it is very hard to type out a review on the phone. I wish to read more though!
11/1/2011 c5 portalefiamme
Hi again! The plot is interesting, as I like story about little Harry- smart Harry. But it is like it is a summary. The scenes are all cut off to the basic. The are not dialogue, even if there is the opportunity for it. I know that Harry doesn't talk because of his uncle (talk is Bad) but the other? The teacher or the iteration between children... Like when you describe when Harry explain about plant. You describe it but didn't write of it. Like you describe his conversation with Samuel...

Moreover He is 6 years old and know so much about plant and how to cure them, the teacher didn't take notice about is knowledge? But she did notice his interest in plant.

You know, it is like you are waiting to write the real story, and this is the prologue to explain the childlife of Harry. It is like that?

However keep going on! I will keep reading!

Until next time

11/1/2011 c5 3MishaySahila
I am enjoying your story please keep it up
11/1/2011 c1 portalefiamme
This story seems intresting. i will read more! thanks for sharing!
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