Just In
for The girl, the boy and the wolf

8/4/2021 c4 3WiseGirlDivergence46
I acctually really like this but,
6/21/2013 c4 Snowball A.K.A. WinterWolf
Can't wait for the next chapter!
4/14/2013 c4 9Erudessa-gabrielle
6/20/2012 c4 icy blue girl
this story is super hot! cant wait for more.
5/29/2012 c4 ZackAttack
Update please! Derek and Stiles are so sexy together
5/28/2012 c4 TeenWolfChick
OMG my friend was right! She told me to read this fic and 'Super Gleeks' (I'm also a huge glee fan)

5/28/2012 c4 Sterekfan1996
Wow this is an awesome fic! Please continue!

All my friends are Sterek fans so expect a lot more reviews coming your way soon!

Please update!
12/31/2011 c4 5Roxie i do byte
Lol this was too cute damn Derek was jealous as hell and thanks for the spoiler alert can't wait to see wat happens in both flics
12/30/2011 c4 2theexx
Your polyamorous relationship choice is very interesting. I like it.
12/30/2011 c4 110LowlifeTheory
Yay an update. Great work. Scott's timing is a lot to be desired. Looking forward to more.
12/29/2011 c4 7Lorna Roxen
I love your story! Threesomes are cute! Lol. I love how innocent stiles is! ;)

Update soon! I can't wait!
11/22/2011 c3 5Roxie i do byte
first thanks for the speical a/n that was so kool um i love ur story i just cant wait to see a scene after the 3 of them work stuff out when jackson realizes that stiles ends up with a hot guy and a hot gurl lol
11/22/2011 c3 110LowlifeTheory
Great chapter, got to know Veronica a bit more. Nice to see she's already protective of Stiles, though the wolves are going to have to work on their control issues so they dont pull Stiles apart!
11/6/2011 c2 5Roxie i do byte
Wow that was awesome poor stiles cant wait to see what happens
11/6/2011 c2 110LowlifeTheory
Oh the angst! The pain! Gah, hurry up and explain it to Stiles because he cant be sad poor baby! Love it, and I loved your teaser. Update soon.
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