Just In
for My paranormal Romance

1/23/2012 c6 3DannySamLover20
wow! keep going!
1/21/2012 c6 29swac twilight14
James Justin? this story is getting more interesting! oh my God UPDATE
1/20/2012 c6 10Channyx1D
Oh I can't wait for the next one.
12/20/2011 c5 3DannySamLover20
wow! keep going!
12/19/2011 c5 29swac twilight14
I HATE JUSTIN! (in this story) I hope they can escape this together
12/1/2011 c4 swac twilight14
good thing that your dengue fever is done...oh well plzzzzzz update! is it chad's mom or sonny's evil dad chad's crazy friend? aww update!
12/1/2011 c4 10Channyx1D
Ooooh. Is it the mom, Sonny's dad, another character? Update soon.
11/30/2011 c4 3DannySamLover20
wow! keep going!
11/19/2011 c3 DannySamLover20
wow! keep going!
11/19/2011 c3 10Channyx1D
Awesome. Can't believe the dad. Grrrrr. Update.
11/18/2011 c3 29swac twilight14
mean dad! hate him BTW update!
11/13/2011 c2 3DannySamLover20
wow! keep going!
11/13/2011 c2 10Channyx1D
Great chapter. I wonder why Sonny doesn't want to kiss Chad. O_o
11/13/2011 c2 29swac twilight14
aww cute channy moment
11/8/2011 c1 3DannySamLover20
wow! i like this! keep going!
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