Just In
for The Cellar

9/15 c1 cllaporte
Doesn't add up to the description of the story.
12/23/2023 c1 annieb1996
I always come back to re read some of your stories every now and then, but was surprised this time around to find out that they’ve been pulled!
11/23/2023 c26 Senorfrogs
So nice, I have read this one before
7/2/2023 c45 CynMar Rom
Awww, now I need to know if they're pregnant again!
That was adorable.
I wish someone would want to do life with me like that lol.
Thanks for sharing!
6/12/2023 c11 foxyfanatic
lmao this chapter.. hahaha
3/11/2023 c18 2kikki7
You put rob in Batman Boxers like, more than a decade ago. You’re fucking clairvoyant!
11/17/2022 c45 Jenycullen
I laughed out loud so many times I lost count. Absolutely loved it!
5/3/2022 c45 cullensrule
Thank you for this story. I was a bright spot in my crazy day. The banter between these two was wonderful and fun.
4/21/2022 c45 EdwardsVampTramp
Aaaawwww...thank you so much for sharing these two and their weirdo friends with us. These are the kind of people who would be my peeps!
I loved every moment with them!
4/21/2022 c42 EdwardsVampTramp
"Don't let someone who's insecure about himself—who also willingly buys Yankee candles—make you feel like shit."

Hey! What's wrong with Yankee Candles?!
I love those damn things!
4/21/2022 c41 EdwardsVampTramp
It's okay, I'm glad you can't quit this charming cast of characters! I'm having way too much fun!

"Or one of those Rare B&Bs."
"AirBnb, Mom."

I'm dying! MUST. GET. AIR!
4/21/2022 c40 EdwardsVampTramp
Kate has two kids? Wow! Impressive.
Wonder who lost the bet to marry HER and did she ever puke on them?
4/21/2022 c39 EdwardsVampTramp
I couldn't love two characters more...:)
4/21/2022 c36 EdwardsVampTramp
I would have turned Kate into a human bowling ball much sooner.
Edward has the patience of a saint!
4/21/2022 c32 EdwardsVampTramp
One of the BEST chapters yet! :)

"I can't even be disgusted that you ate the entire fruitcake because you give hot grimace," she said in awe.

I agree with the boys, I can't stand Uggs. Yuck!

Jasper's distinction between the fan fiction genres is priceless!

Undead...non dead...ghost...zombie!
Does it matter? She's semi alive. ;)
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