Just In
for Let Go

11/13/2011 c6 2lisamichelle17
There is three things I like to point out about this chapter that I learned:

1) Carlisle truly cares for Edward.

2) Edward does care for Bella because he mentioned about where she is and if she is okay.

3) Edward is in denial but doesn't even realize there is something wrong.
11/13/2011 c5 lisamichelle17
Have I told you that I work at a hospital, cause I do. I loved how realistic you portrayed how Carlisle found out that Edward was at a different hospital. He is not dead but there is much worse things than death. Much worse.
11/13/2011 c4 lisamichelle17
I could feel how the addiction that Edward and Bella have has taken over their lives. As a reader, I know that James is the dealer and I find it very realistic that Edward and Bella see him as the only one that fail them. It hurts but I will continue to read.
11/13/2011 c2 19BellaFlan
I love this: "His eyes roll back as he rides the wave of sensation that he'd chase anywhere."
11/13/2011 c13 2ilovealion
I was all prepared to say-wow, we got ou HEA... But we didn't... And your story is realistic because of that. Thanks for writing.
11/13/2011 c3 2lisamichelle17
Charlie and Carlisle loss of Edward and Bella breaks my heart. I do like they talk to each other and it's clear in their words and emotions that they both miss them, terribly. I think things are going to get worse for them as well as Edward and Bella.
11/13/2011 c2 lisamichelle17
Your portrait of a drug house and an addict is so dead on. Edward and Bella are both in a very bad place. Bad place, indeed.
11/13/2011 c1 19BellaFlan
Ooh, this is going to break my heart, isn't it. I wake up to like 13 updates to a story I didn't even know you're writing. Score!
11/13/2011 c1 2lisamichelle17
I am really curious. This chapter feels like it could be a part of the Twilight Series we didn't see. The one in which Edward left and we are getting how this felt for Carlisle and Esme. I am intrigued, very intrigued.
11/13/2011 c13 Sheeijan
Personally, I love realism in a story. Sure, HEA is great, but sometimes I like to see RL happen. Love that you went there. It takes guts, especially with this community. Thanks!
11/13/2011 c13 trisha63
Howdy, Kate nice to read from you once again. Wow, what a sad, but all to realistic tale about addiction, hurt, and pain. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Drug addiction is no respector of age or social status, it can happen to just about anyone, and it does everyday to often good people from healthy, wealthy, happy homes. Okay so do you have any other plot bunnies floating in that head of yours, maybe some really funny and maybe even lemony ones! Can not wait for you to finish An Angry Man and Dreamscapes, as they are simply wonderful stories. But I think we are due for one heck of a comedy, with lots of fluffy lemons. I know it is not usually how you roll but hey Renfield and Chicklets was hilarious. Take care my dear. Trisha :}
11/13/2011 c13 ECis4Me
Heart wrenching. Well written, as always.
11/13/2011 c9 19Ironic Twist
"He would give his soul if it would make his boy whole once more."

I'm enjoying this angstfest, but this line resonates for me with canon. There's a connection. I can't flesh it out right now, but there's something...
11/13/2011 c13 30Rebadams7
It's not a choice when a poison locked your veins into slavery

They needed each other more. The poison runIned them

Not their hearts

11/13/2011 c13 1322blue
Even though I knew what you were planning with this, it still doesn't make it any easier. The glimpses into their lives were painful and so honest that it was a heartachingly "real" story, and things like this really do happen all the time, sadly. The anguish Carlisle went through wanting to do the right thing for his son, but in the end it didn't matter. I think that's what hurts the most. Well done, my friend. It was gorgeous.
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