Just In
for Let Go

1/16/2014 c13 fanfictionalcolic
This story still moved me hours after reading. This so awfully right and powerfully wrong. Just like life.
11/26/2013 c13 Nrbl1
That's the truth...unfortunately it is what it is for the majority of addicts
9/18/2013 c13 Guest
You need more details of how they died
8/16/2013 c13 meelee72
That hurt.
But, ur right. Some people succeed in recovery & some don't, because, YES, it only takes one slip.
A dear friend of mine was clean for 4 yrs, & both his parents died within 4 months of each other, & he relapsed... He's no longer on Earth because he started using again for a while, & one night he didn't wake up.
There are happy endings, but there are many sad endings also.

U did an amazing job capturing the torture of addiction. The way it affects everyone, not just the people using.
This leaves me sad, but u did an amazing job.
Great story, mama. - U are beyond talented.

[I am in love w/ ur story "An Angry Man" but took a (short) break from it to chk out some of ur other work. Glad I did]
8/16/2013 c12 meelee72
Poor babies... & I say that because they have a disease, & they want so badly to clean up, but deep down, it seems, they know they want a fix more. :(
& they love each other so much. - It's sad. So, so sad.
8/16/2013 c10 meelee72
"Then it just... took over."

Phew. - Ain't that the damned truth.
8/16/2013 c9 meelee72
Ooohhhhh my gosh, this is so pitiful. Poor baby. He knows he needs to get better, but he is so so sick.
I hope he goes & stays. & Bella, too... Plz get help, guys!
8/16/2013 c8 meelee72
Agh, my heart...
8/16/2013 c7 meelee72
My heart is literally in pieces for Esme. Our children, no matter how old, are our babies, & we'd do anything. Anything. - As much pain as I know Carlisle is in for what he has to do, I'm w/ Esme, I'd want my baby home. - But, obviously, I'd have to somehow find a way to get him help.
The guilt of eating a nice meal when she knows her son is out there.. I get that & u potrayed it well.
Ur doing a great job w/ all of it. - I feel everything.
8/16/2013 c6 meelee72
SO gut wrenching.
8/16/2013 c4 meelee72
:( So in love, but so very lost.
8/16/2013 c3 meelee72
As parents, they wanna take it all away. :(
How horrible that they don't even know where their on children are because those kids won't even reach out to them. It's what they want most, & they can't have it. :( Cuts so deep.
8/16/2013 c2 meelee72
Uughhh, that hurt so much.

(My addiction was prescription pain killers, & altho I've never used a needle, & never was in a placs like that, where E&B just were, my husband & I both had the same addiction, & we also fed off of each other. I know what that is like. - & whether u shoot heroin in ur viens or swallow a handful of pills, it doesn't matter... Addiction is addiction & no one is better than the other.)
- Sorry, dunno why I'm spilling my guts, it's just that this really hits home.
& ur writing.. Wow. It's like I'm right there watching it happen. This is real, raw, & wide open. - As it is w/ ur writing style, which I adore.
8/16/2013 c1 meelee72
"Hope & disappointment. Dreams & nightmares."
That says so much. & I've been there myself, w/ my own bad choices & spiral downward. Thankfully, that's in the past, but I know how painful it is. I cannot imagine if it was one of my children. I can't imagine having to use that kind of tough love w/ them. That what always scared me the most, is that one of em would suffer like I did, become dependant.
I won't be able to put this down.
- Esme's pain & anguish breaks my heart. & so does Carlisle's & the desicion he's had to make.
8/1/2013 c13 1Beans827
SOOOOOOO VERY SAD! But also so true. Unfortunately. But as always, it was beautifully written. Bless you for sharing your talented ways!
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