Just In
for Let Go

5/30/2013 c13 Lulabell75
I would never harp (well, on any story...who am I?) on anything do beautifully written. I'm a total 100% HEA girl, but some of my favorite stories are ones just like this. Ones that don't end they way we would like, but so true to life it's hard not to love them. Thank you for sharing it.

5/13/2013 c13 6cejsmom
You wrote this so honestly. it is what makes it more hurtful - that there are lots of people out there going through all of these emotions daily. You did an excellent job with a very tough subject.
5/12/2013 c1
Let Go has been added to the Featured Fics Library on www . twifanfictionrecs . com ;-)
5/12/2013 c13 4snoopylover60
Oh, wow... that is so sad!

Poor Esme and Carlisle and Charlie... and everyone they left behind.

Loved it!
4/29/2013 c13 dbpbatm
Thank you for sharing this.
3/3/2013 c13 Guest
Very well done. No false hope, no poetic bullshit like fucking Dusty. The real deal for those of us who have graves we visit or meetings we go to. Thank you for doing it responsibly.
3/3/2013 c2 Guest
Oh well shit...I'm glad you put the warning, I'll see how long I can torture myself.
3/3/2013 c1 Guest
I'm going to read it because the reviews are calling me. I know my heart will be broken I just hope not too terribly. I'll review as I go. Thanks for tackling this subject.
8/20/2012 c13 8harperpitt
Oh that was sad and intense and... sad. So sad.
8/11/2012 c13 19ladylibre
Flatlining. That was amazing.
8/11/2012 c2 ladylibre
Heartwrenching. What happened to them?
8/11/2012 c1 ladylibre
Wow. Just... WOW. You are a maestra. No other way to say it. That brain of yours just pulsates with brilliance. Wow.
8/1/2012 c1 ArekWhitlock
wow..interesting plot..
8/1/2012 c4 ArekWhitlock
They destroyed themselves..
8/1/2012 c5 ArekWhitlock
my heart breaks for Carlisle...
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