Just In
for Help of a Seer

6/30 c26 Latarra
Absolutely fantastic.
6/5 c26 csheila
An a absolutely wonderful tale.

Well written, plotted, and sourced. Don’t let anyone bully you over it
6/5 c24 csheila
Albus is a ciponfirmed bastard
6/5 c23 csheila
Oh good but i dont trust albus with Luna
6/5 c20 csheila
It would have been easier to kill Dumbles

Poor security not to gave searched area for disillusionment
6/5 c18 csheila
Hopefully. Amelia survives. She could run a private security force with Evan
6/5 c17 csheila

But Daphne can do better than Charlie
6/5 c16 csheila
Gulp, clear out seagulls. Yeah, i couod see the Brits taking that step.
6/5 c15 csheila
Great battle scene
6/5 c13 csheila
Putthe funeral under a fidelius
6/5 c12 csheila
Great planning

He shouldnt assume Daphne and Hermione won’t last. It devalues their relationship. (Cranky lesbian)
6/5 c10 csheila
Great strategy on the guns
6/5 c9 csheila
Nicely done conversations. They feel real
6/5 c7 csheila
You picked the right choice. Neville will understand the requirements
6/4 c3 csheila
Fascinating concepts. Nice to see both keeping their independence. Remarkable job
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