Just In
for Help of a Seer

6/5/2024 c15 csheila
Great battle scene
6/5/2024 c13 csheila
Putthe funeral under a fidelius
6/5/2024 c12 csheila
Great planning

He shouldnt assume Daphne and Hermione won’t last. It devalues their relationship. (Cranky lesbian)
6/5/2024 c10 csheila
Great strategy on the guns
6/5/2024 c9 csheila
Nicely done conversations. They feel real
6/5/2024 c7 csheila
You picked the right choice. Neville will understand the requirements
6/4/2024 c3 csheila
Fascinating concepts. Nice to see both keeping their independence. Remarkable job
6/4/2024 c2 csheila
Fascinating magic
6/4/2024 c1 csheila
Powerful opening.

Nice to have a Luna that is fully present
5/17/2024 c26 odonnellzoo99
A true joy to read each time.
5/8/2024 c7 Wantaknow
so the lawnbut ass bitch didnt see if harrys godfather got a trial bullshit your story was good up until this bullshit chapter..
3/22/2024 c8 Guest
It's kind of hilarious that the person breaking into the house, is calling the OWNERS intruders. But then, Death Eaters are so self absorbed they probably think that they 'own' the house, by simple fact of... walking into it and trying to murder the owners.
1/30/2024 c23 Shadeymankey
Okay. After his changes i like him. Snape is very OOC but thats the point of fanfic isnt it?
1/30/2024 c10 Shadeymankey
I want snape dead. I do not appreciate him being included. Regardless of caring for his movie portrayal, his book self was unrepentant evil until at the very end JKR “felt bad” and changed him.
1/8/2024 c1 Guest
"I have read several stories where Luna is some kind of a Seer. But none of them seem to really take advantage of her abilities"

That's because it ruins her character and makes her ooc af,it's one of the worst tropes in this fandom, let's hope this story can pull it off.
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