Just In
for Help of a Seer

7/17/2021 c1 1blcoachmac
Oh he'll This is good! Great premise!
7/16/2021 c26 KanameZeroYuki
This was awesome!
5/22/2021 c23 1YourOrdinaryStranger
dang everyone just wants bodies
5/19/2021 c26 13Freddie Rindklip
Thank you for a very entertaining fic.
5/19/2021 c11 1YourOrdinaryStranger
dang you've got a love for twisting nipples
5/17/2021 c26 KnowInsight
I saw Dumbles plan to kidnap Luna before hand but was unsure how she was going to lose her gift. Personally I think he got off too lightly,
5/16/2021 c2 13Freddie Rindklip
Nice way to deal with the scar horcrux.
4/19/2021 c26 Vanadir
Still one of the best on f2f thank you
4/10/2021 c26 60EdTheBeast
An excellent must read AU! It is full of drama, romance, adventure, and action!
4/2/2021 c26 TupanHD
Good story. Although i liked Harry and Luna pairing the other pairings I wasn’t the biggest fan. I wish Luna and Harry relationship was better explored.
4/2/2021 c19 TupanHD
Neville the player ftw hahahha.
4/2/2021 c8 DrReadnoShit
Narcissa is already called back into the house of Black meaning the marriage was canceled. She obviously can't be "widow Malfoy" anymore and therefore obviously cannot use any proxy votes of house Malfoy. If anything house Malfoy just died.
Honestly if you're using the voting by proxy stuff in your story you need to actually explain things after all they aren't the same in every story. For example Neville is asking for all previous proxy rights of House Black back, however which family would actually not vote for at least 10 years in which Sirius was in Azkaban? Those votes actually decide the future of Magical Britain how stupid would families be to throw away votes.
4/2/2021 c6 DrReadnoShit
I'm a bit confused of whether Greengrass, Zabini, and Davis were marked or not. Before at the rape attempt it sounded like they were not. Now within the "thoughts" of Narcissa it also looked like they weren't marked. However in the previous chapter when the three were going through the cleansing field you were writing about the black soul magic and mentioning the dark mark once.
4/2/2021 c5 DrReadnoShit
IMO those medallions are way too powerful to teach them to some strangers and Daphe, Tracy and Blaise are nothing but strangers to Harry and Luna. The medallions basically gives you the power of an Animagus and there's a reason they have to be registered. Lunas parents also never teached it to anyone so it's more like family magic which you don't teach to anyone anyway.
Other than that I feld a bit bad because they invited them to the Lovegood home even though nobody but family has been there in the past. I thought Harry was special in that regard and he would be family later anyway.
3/24/2021 c26 HoneyBear84
Love it
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