Just In
for Letters from the West Coast

3/30/2012 c19 1DestinyXUnknown
Dear Colombie-Britannique

That can only mean that you have seen too much rain in your life mes amie.

Ah, non! Sil vous plait! Do not speak of le petit fleurs being drowned!

Such a sad thought, it breaks my heart.

On a lighter note, I believe all of those flowers are tres magnifique! The Sakura is a wonderful sight to behold, non?

I saw them once on a trip to Japan, they were falling onto the path I was on. ha~

Anyways, nice to write to you again and I will looked forward to your reply

Au revior!

Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
2/3/2012 c19 3Beloved of Eireann
Dear Saxon Columbia,

Dia duit, this is an Oirish county, Monaghan, also known as Rónán O'Malley. So ye were a Sax- Oi mean, a British colony, aye? *Distrustful*

Me Da always says, ye can't trust a Saxon further'n ye kin throw 'em, so Oi'm nawr really sure what te say ter ye.

Well, slán fer now, Oi suppose.

-Rónán O'Malley

County Monaghan
2/2/2012 c17 Owenzeegirl
I won't what kind of sister do you tracked me for?
2/2/2012 c18 zxdcfvgbhjklp
Dear Katherine,

Awesome! Therefore, I am!

I suppose that's good. Oh, you won? That's brillient! How much did you win by? Hehe, I bet he wasn't happy... Sure, I'll try. Unfortunately, I 'may' be in a bit of trouble with him, so... whatever.

Oh, that makes sense now... Thanks for the information! I will file it somewhere, or something. Hey, that makes us cousins!


Anne Kirkland (Durham City)
1/19/2012 c16 1DestinyXUnknown
Dear British Columbia,

Ah, yes, rain is no fun, Oui.

All I can say for it is that it makes mon jardin grow.

Tell me, what kind of flowers do you like?

Until next time,

Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
1/8/2012 c14 zxdcfvgbhjklp
Dear Katherine,

Sure, as long as you don't mind me not calling you Katherine!

Yay! This makes me feel happy!

Oh, sorry, I meant the coast that nearest Russia. Oh, How are them two? I haven't seen them for a while. Oh, that's rather cool! I will. Uh, he said "..." I think that's the equivelent back. (Sometimes it's hard to tell...)

Oh, that's good! Uh, not the bruises, but you get my point, right?"

Really? But I thought that France found Canada first? He was called New France first... Oh well! Still hope that you're fine.

It's okay! Hope you liked it!


Anne Kirkland (Durham City)
1/8/2012 c15 Fr7CHu0aqO
Don't worry I won't. Mainly because he did look damn good in that uniform of his.

Yeah. Uncle Scotland kept telling me that, seeing as he's doesnt get along with her I thought it would have been a good idea to change it. I like Blare. It's Gaelic makes me feel closer to uncles Scotland and Both of the Irelands.
1/1/2012 c13 Fr7CHu0aqO
We all were... First it was purely because we were in a world war... The second was because we were independent and in a world war. I think he'll understand... I mean he caused them so he's equally as bad as us.

Well sorry I didn't like being called Natalie anymore! I have decided to that I'm now Blare Mary Williams.

Nova S.
12/31/2011 c12 DestinyXUnknown

You are quite right~

I said something confusing, thank you for the correction!

I meant to ask if things were going well on the mainland!

In North America! It is the nearest mainland to me~ Considering how far off Europe is.

And I consider you a friend!


Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
12/31/2011 c12 zxdcfvgbhjklp
Hello there!

This is Durham City, one of England's kids, ok?

I heard that you were writing letters, so decided to join in, if that's okay?

West coast? That's the one nearest Russia, yeah? Cool. I'm on the East, meaning I gets glares off Sweden (Which are not at all scary, no...)

So, how are you doing? Life treating you okay? Hope it is!

You were under both Dad's and Papa France's rule weren't you? That's like me! Hope we'll get along okay!

I've sent you some pan hacky with this letter. It's just potato so please try it! It's not that bad, honest!

Yours sincerely,

Durham City (Anne Kirkland)
12/31/2011 c11 Fr7CHu0aqO
To be honest with you I'll think he'll be over that...

Indeed it is so...

I have finally came up with a half decent human name for myself!

Nova S.
12/28/2011 c10 Fr7CHu0aqO

You sure? He tends to be good at remembering people... I could always show him a picture to jog he memory...

Really? You sure? Uncle Scotland tends to avoid drinking with either of the Irelands... Last time he got arrested...

Nothing. Nothing at all...

Nova S.
12/27/2011 c10 DestinyXUnknown
Bonjour Colombie Britannique!

Hello British Columbia!

I heard that you were accepting letters. Félicitations!

So~ What is going on in the nearest mainland my friend?

I really should visit soon, non? And see what all of my favorite Canadians are up to these days. We could go shopping together!

J'espère vous voir bientôt!

I hope to see you soon!

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon~

[a/n] I kinda picture my oc as a girl and as one person despite two names in case you wished to know
12/26/2011 c9 Owenzeegirl
Ha! My ass is more lovely!

Haha! I'm totally going to tell him!

We did an all outer?

That explains a lot...

Nova S.

[n/a: as you have guessed I'm too lazy to sign in...]
12/24/2011 c8 Fr7CHu0aqO
No where near as lovely as mine... (I'm willing to go to France to prove it)

What the actual fuck? Does someone have a crush? Oh I'm tell Germany when we're both at Scotland's house next week!

But anyway don't get hammered in Germany with Prussia, it ends badly...

We were both around in the Victorian days, my dress is also an antique like the several other victorian dresses I have... (You don't half act like England you know that?I'm glad Scotland found me first...)

Nova S.
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