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for Somehow Related

10/4 c3 Zinovia
That completely contradicts what Percy just said, Thals. Thalia: “DON’T CALL ME THALS!” Me, afraid for my life: “Okay, okay,”
5/15/2022 c9 Guest
plssssssss write moreeeeeeee
5/15/2022 c4 Guest
yes bianca!
5/10/2022 c1 Guest
i love twilight, but the demigods can't read. how would they read it?
12/27/2021 c2 Guest
i liked the dialog but for future reference maybe try describing like arm movements and stuff as you're going and don't write 'said' too much.
5/8/2021 c9 Bob
Hi when is Ch.9 Pt. 2 coming out?
4/15/2021 c9 Daughterofhades
I actually really liked this, I didn't check when it's from tho so I don't know if there's a chance that you might update this but if there is, please do
1/15/2021 c9 Gudiya2005
I want to read more so please update!
2/23/2020 c5 1Damkid
this is y I love Thalia and Reyna so fucking much, they will not hesitate to castrate u.
9/30/2019 c9 Beth0052
Plzzzzzzz Update!
7/24/2019 c9 HAEVs Sha
1/10 faq yua su
7/24/2019 c9 HAEVs Sha
1/10 faq yua su
7/11/2019 c9 Guest
MoRe dammit MOrE! (10/10)
5/13/2019 c9 aaah
You discontinued this excellent masterpiece, didn't you?
4/7/2019 c9 Jacqui
This is a really good story! I really want to read more.
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