Just In
for Bella's Secret Life

4/25/2014 c23 1Taylor9901
Oh damn. Tanya is pure evil. I can't wait to read more.
4/24/2014 c22 tracyluvstwilight2010
Great chapter. I think that Kate's parents will be happy.
4/23/2014 c22 Taylor9901
Love it. I can't wait for more.
4/22/2014 c21 Taylor9901
Great chapter.
4/15/2014 c20 Taylor9901
I can't wait for more.
4/14/2014 c19 15Kiara Bella Cullen
Nice job
4/14/2014 c19 11ploiuiu
I don't know.
That why you need to update soon!
4/13/2014 c1 Guest
This story has an excellent premise. You have an excellent imagination. However, the story is riddled with grammatical errors word misuse. Below are two examples:
Runway module S/B model
calm down S/B calmed down

I sincerely hope you get or got a Beta. In the meantime, I am continuing to read as the plot is intriguing.


LanaLee1 (I am not logged into the website at this time.)
4/7/2014 c14 15Kiara Bella Cullen
I think there should be a shot out. Jacob and Tayna start shooting and have Jasper and emmet shot back. It is great
4/6/2014 c13 1cheysma2000
I am so ready for more. :D
4/6/2014 c13 15Kiara Bella Cullen
Nice cliff hanger
4/5/2014 c12 1cheysma2000
I think between B
4/4/2014 c11 cheysma2000
Pretty please update soon. I am waiting. :)
4/4/2014 c10 cheysma2000
Busted! You would think those idiots would have been smart enough to stay out of school that day. I think Bella is going to get her man soon. :)
4/4/2014 c9 cheysma2000
I love it when Charlie acts like a daddy. To many times fictions act like he is barely around or cares about Bella but I think he would be like a grown up version of Emmett, a big old soft teddy bear on the inside.
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