Just In
for Thanks a lot, Gwaine!

8/11/2024 c8 GwaineIsTheBest
No! No wonder your wonderful end note Knights abandoned you. Poor Merls...
Please come back!?
7/20/2022 c2 Guest
I like the plot, but maybe it'll be better if you replaced the contemporary slang.
7/20/2022 c1 Guest
I wouldn't trust Gwain not to drop him.
12/22/2020 c4 12broken5pieces
Oh. My. God. I love Sleep Song by Secret Garden. I'm so so so happy this is in your fic
9/1/2020 c8 Jovii
Ahhhhh plss update just two more chapters pls pls pls
6/2/2020 c8 55It's-Nothing-Just-A-Wolf
Please please continue! This is so sweet and interesting!
4/16/2020 c8 Eliza
aww noo poor author no end note knights
1/11/2020 c8 Guest
And y’all’s are really gon leave me like this...I need to KNOW! I need to know wether or not merlIn is OK! I NEED MY BEAN TO BE OKKKK! I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH DARNIT
10/14/2019 c1 gaylelbf
8/18/2019 c8 3SnowFlakeWrites
I hope one day you consider updating this! :D
6/3/2019 c2 3TheWolfFaithChild
This is like that scene in Ice Age 1 where Manny and Diego force Sid to clean the baby Eskimo's diaper and then start whackin' 'im to get the baby to laugh!
6/1/2019 c2 Posy
I love this. It's hilarious and wonderful.
3/30/2019 c8 TheExiledOfCamelot
Bloody awesome. Best plot.
3/12/2019 c8 9KingKage73
Poor baby merlin
1/16/2019 c8 1itachi.naruto47
Hope this story continues soon.
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