Just In
for Requiem

1/31/2023 c14 ella
I don't know how many times I reread your story and I liked it just as much every time
thank you!
1/8/2023 c14 JentheBaker
Sigh…such a brilliant, beautiful journey. Reading this again has made me so happy. It’s simply phenomenal! Thank you so much for sharing it!
1/8/2023 c12 JentheBaker
So heartbreaking. You just love torturing our poor Edward. And I love reading about it…Lol!
1/8/2023 c11 JentheBaker
Still just as brilliant and heartbreaking as the other times I’ve read it.
1/8/2023 c10 JentheBaker
Each chapter is such a rollercoaster! So brilliant!
1/8/2023 c9 JentheBaker
Such a tortured soul, so filled with guilt and self-loathing. It hurts my heart for him. So brilliant and sad.
1/8/2023 c8 JentheBaker
I knew what was coming, but I was no less on the edge of my seat. It’s so brilliant!
1/8/2023 c7 JentheBaker
I’m SUCH a sucker for EPOV. Being inside his mind is so fascinating, and you write him so beautifully. Thank you!
1/8/2023 c6 JentheBaker
Still brilliant. And this chapter is so sweet, and charming, and really heartwarming.
1/8/2023 c5 JentheBaker
Still brilliant!
1/8/2023 c4 JentheBaker
Brilliant. Better every time I read it.
1/8/2023 c3 JentheBaker
So freaking good. A couple of my favorite things about OG Edward was that constant battle to be more than a “monster”…and that iron-clad self control. You write those aspects so brilliantly. And the guilt! I just want to give him a big hug.
1/8/2023 c2 JentheBaker
Sigh….so much like ur original Edward…but so much better! Poor baby.
1/8/2023 c1 JentheBaker
I’ve got a list a mile long of things I should be doing. And another one a mile long of fics I haven’t read, but want to read. Sigh…but I’m just not in the mood. So what am I doing? Re-reading fics I’ve already read like this one….which is SO worth the time! So, so good!
9/7/2022 c14 Jenycullen
I admit I was hesitant to read this since I’m not religious at all anymore, but it was really beautiful. Thank you.
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